भगवती सूत्रम् सः ८ उ: ७
तएणं ते अण्णउत्थिया घेरे भगवंते एवं वयासी-तुब्भे ( भं) णं अज्जो ! गम्ममाणे अगए वीइक्कमिज्जमाणे अवीइक्कते रायगिहं णयरं संपाविउक्कामे यसंपत्ते।
Heretics-"Aryas! According to you, while going, one has not gone ; while covering a space, one has not covered it ; while desiring to reach Rājagļha, one has not reached Rājagsha."
तएणं ते थेरा भगवंतो ते अण्णउत्थिए एवं वयासी–णो खलु अज्जो! अम्हं गम्ममाणे अगए. वीइकमिज्जमाणे अवीइकते रायगिहं णयरं जाव...असपत्ते। अम्हं पं अज्जो ! गम्ममाणे गए वीइक्कमिज्जमाणे वीइक्कते रायगिहं णयरं संपाविउकामे संपते। तुब्भं णं अप्पणा चेव गम्ममाणे अगए वीइक्कमिज्जमाणे अवीइक्कते रायगिहं णयरं जाव...असंपत्ते ।
Senior monks—"Aryas ! It is not correct that in our view, while going, one has not gone; while covering a space, one has not covered it ; while desiring to reach Rajagrha, one has not reached there. Rather, our view is, while going, one has gone ; while covering, one has covered ; while desiring to reach Rājagsha, one has arrived there. Hence we would say, if it be the reverse, then, that is your stand."
तएणं ते थेरा भगवंतो अण्णउत्थिए एवं पडिहणंति पडिहणित्ता गइप्पवायं णाम अज्झयणं पण्णवइंसु।
In this manner, the senior monks of the order (of Mahāvīra) silenced the heretics and gave them a complete discourse on the flow of movement.
___ [flow of movement ]
प्रश्न २३२-काइविहे गं भंते! गइप्पवाए पण्णते?
Q. 232. Bhante ! movement ?
How many types has the flow of