Bhagavati Sūtra Bk. 8 Ch. 7
तणं ते थेरा भगवंतो ते अण्णउत्थिए एवं क्यासी - अम्हे ( म्हं ) णं अज्जो ! दिज्जमाणे दिपणे पडिग्गाहिज्जमाणे पडिग्गहिए णिस्सरिज्जमाणे णिसिठे । अम्हं णं अज्जो ! दिज्जमाणं पडिग्गहगं असंपत्तं एत्थ णं अंतरा केइ अवहरेज्जा अम्हं णं तं णो खलु तं गाहावइस्स । तए णं अम्हे दिण्णं गेण्हामो दिष्णं भुंजामो दिण्णं साइज्जामो । तए णं अम्हे दिण्णं गेण्हमाणा जाव... .दिण्णं साइज्जमाणा तिविहं तिविहेणं संजय जाव... एगंतपंडिया वि भवामो | तुब्भेणं अज्जो ! अप्पणा चेव तिविहं तिविहेणं अस्संजय जाव... . एगंतबाला या विभवह ।
Senior monks-"Aryas! In our view, a thing in the process of being given 'has been given', in the process of being accepted 'has been accepted' and in the process of being put into the begging bowl 'has been so put'. Hence if a thing which is in the process of being put into the bowl, but which has not yet reached the bowl, be stolen, then we consider that our thing has been stolen, and not the thing belonging to the householder. Hence, you see, we take a thing which has been duly offered, till by three modes and three means, till we are restrained, till wholly prudent. But we think, what you have said about us as being unrestrained by three modes and three means applies very much to you."
तणं ते अण्णउत्थिया ते थेरे भगवंते एवं वयासी - केणं कारणेणं अज्जो ! अम्हे . तिविहं जाव... एगंतबाला या विभवामो ?
. Heretics – " Aryas ! How do you say that by three modes and three means, we are unrestrained, till fools ?”
तणं ते थेरा भगवंतो ते अण्णउत्थिए एवं वयासी - तुब्भे णं अज्जो ! अदिन्न हह अदिणं भुंजह अदिष्णं साहिज्जह । तएणं तुब्भे अदिण्णं गेव्हमाणा जाव... एगंतबाला या विभवह ।
Senior monks" Aryas ! You accept things not duly bestowed, you take things not duly bestowed, you permit the acceptance of things not duly bestowed. Hence in accepting things not duly bestowed, till you are fools.”