Bhagavati Sūtra Bk. 8 Ch. 6
संपठिए असंपत्ते थेरा य पुव्वामेव अमुहा सिया से गं भंते! किं आराहए विराहए ?
Q. 211. Bhante ! Suppose a monk goes to a householder to beg and falls victim to a lapse ; and further suppose that right then, he has a reaction as follows : 'At this very spot, let me discuss my lapse, seek atonement, decry and condemn it, tear off the bondage due to it, get purified, take a vow not to repeat it in future, and court suitable penance to wipe it clean. And then I go to a senior monk, discuss it with him, till court suitable penance to wipe it clean. Having thought like this, he sets out to meet a senior monk, but, on the way, due to some unforeseen malady overtaking, he loses expression and fails to seek atonement. Is such a monk to be deemed as steadfast, or non-steadfast ?
उत्तर २११–गोयमा ! आराहए णो विराहए। A. 211. Gautama ! He is steadfast, not its reverse.
प्रश्न २१२-से य संपढ़िए असंपत्ते अण्पणा य पुवामेव अमुहे सिया से गं भंते ! किं आराहए विराहए?
Q.212. Bhante ! Suppose the said monk has sought atonement, etc., with self, but not with a senior monk (for reason just stated). Is he to be deemed as steadfast, or non-steadfast ?
उत्तर २१२--गोयमा! आराहए णो विराहए ।
A. 212.
Gautama ! He is steadfast, not its reverse.
प्रश्न २१३-से य संपठिए असंपत्ते थेरा य कालं करेज्जा से णं भंते ! कि आराहए विराहए ?
Q. 213. Bhante ! Suppose he has sought atonement, etc., with self, but before he could do the same with a senior monk, the latter passed away. Is he to be deemed as steadfast, or non-steadfast ?