Bhagavati Sütra Bk. 8 Ch. 3
प्रश्न २०० - तस्स णं भंते ! होवा हिंसा जाया अजाया भवइ ?
तेहिं सीलव्वयगुणवेरमणपच्चक्खाणपोस
Q. 200.
Bhante! Suppose the śravaka is under the vow of conduct, till fast, then in the above case), does the wife become non-wife ?
उत्तर २०० - गोयमा ! हंता भवइ ।
A. 200. Yes, Gautama, she does.
प्रश्न २०१—–से केणं खाइणं अट्ठणं भंते ! एवं वुच्चइ - जायं चरइ जो अजायं चरइ ?
Q. 201. Bhante ! If that be so, how do you maintain that the rogue enjoys the company of the śrävaka's wife, not of his non-wife ?
उत्तर २०१ - गोयमा ! तस्स णं एवं भवइ - णो मे माया णो मे पिया भज्जा णो मे पुत्ता णो मे सुहा । से तेणट्ठेणं गोयमा ! जाव... णो अजायं
जो मे भाया णो मे भगिणी णो मे बत्रेण पुण से अवोच्छिष्णे भवइ ।
चरइ ।
A. 201. Gautama! A śrävaka who is under the vow of conduct, till fast has a feeling in his mind that 'my mother is not mine, my father is not mine, my brother is not mine, n.y sister is not mine, my wife is not mine, my son is not mine', but his link of affection with them is not broken. Hence I maintain that the rogue enjoys the company of the srāvaka's wife, not of his non-wife.
Q. 202
[ transgression of a srāraka's vow ]
प्रश्न २०२ - समणोवासगस्स णं भंत ! पुव्वामेव थूलए पाणाइवाए अपञ्चकखाए भवइ से णं भंते ! पच्छा पच्चाइक्खमाणे किं करेइ ?
If a śravaka has not renounced the slaughter of