Phagavati Sutra Bk. 8 Ch. 2
उत्तर १४४-मोयमा! णोणागी अण्णाणी। तिणि अण्णाणाई भयणाए ।
A. 144. Gautama ! (They are) not endowed knowledge, but with non-knowledge, upto three.
प्रथम १४५-तस्स अलद्धियाणं पुच्छा ? Q. 145. And those who do not have this power, pray ?
उत्तर १४५-गोयमा ! णाणी णो अण्णाणी। पंच णाणाई भयणाए। जहा अण्णाणस्स लधिया अलद्धिया य भणिया एवं मइअण्णाणस्स सुयअण्णाणस्स य लधिया अलद्धिया य भाणियव्वा । विभंगणाणलद्धियाणं तिण्णि अण्णाणाई णियमा। तस्स अलद्धीयाणं पंचणाणाई भयणाए दो अण्णाणाई णियमा।
A. 145. Gautama ! ( They are) endowed with knowledge, not with non-knowledge, and upto five types of knowledge . What has been said of the power or no-power of non-knowledge also holds in the case of power or no-power of perceptual non-knowledge and scriptural non-knowledge. Those endowed with the power of distorted (vibhanga) knowledge have, as a rule, three types of non-knowledge, and those who do not have this power may have upto five types of knowledge, but, as a rule, two types of non-knowledge.
प्रश्न १४६-दसण लधिया णं भंते ! जीवा किं णाणी अण्णाणी ?
Q. 146. Bhante ! Are the living beings with the power of faith endowed with knowledge, or with non-knowledge ?
उत्तर १४६-गोयमा! णाणी वि अण्णाणी वि। पंच णाणाइं तिण्णि अण्णाणाई भयणाए ।
A. 146. Gautama ! (They may be) either, with upto five types of knowledge and three of non-knowledge.
प्रश्न १४७–तस्स अलद्धीया णं भंते! जीवा किं णाणी अण्णाणी?