Bhagavati Sūtra Bk. 8 Ch. 2
Q. 138. What about those who have the power of extrasensory knowledge ? __ उत्तर १३८-गोयमा! णाणी णो अण्णाणी। अत्थेगइया तिण्णाणी अत्थेगह या चउणाणी। जे तिण्णाणी ते आभिणिबोहियणाणी सुयणाणी
ओहिणाणी। जे चउणाणी ते आभिणिबोहियणाणी सुयणाणी ओहिणाणी मणपज्जवणाणी।
A. 13x Gautama ! (Tiey are) endowed with knowledge, not with non-kiiowledge, some with three, viz., perceptual, scriptural and extra-sensory, and some with four, viz., perceptual, scriptural, extra-sensory and psychological.
प्रश्न १३९-तस्स अलद्धियाणं पुच्छा ? Q. 139. And those who do not have this power, pray ?
उत्तर १३९-गोयमा ! णाणी वि अण्णाणी वि। एवं ओहिणाणवज्जाई चत्तारि णाणाई तिण्णि अण्णाणाई भयणाए ।
A. 19. Gautama ! (They may be) either. They may have uplo four types of knowledge except extra-sensory knowledge, and three of non-knowledge.
प्रश्न १४०–मणपज्जवणाणलद्धियाणं पुच्छा ?
Q. 140. Bhante ! What about those who have the power to know the psychology of others ?
उत्तर १४०-गोयमा! णाणी णो अण्णाणी। अत्थेगइया तिण्णाणी अत्थेगइया चउणाणी। जे तिण्णाणी ते आभिणिबोहियणाणी सुयणाणी मणपज्जवणाणी। जे चउणाणी ते आभिणिबोहियणाणी सुयणाणी ओहिणाणी मणपज्जवणाणी।
A. 140. Gautama ! They are endowed with knowledge not with non-knowledge, some with three types, some with four, the former having perceptual, scriptural and extra. sensory knowledge, and the latter these three plus knowledge of the psychology of others,