Bhagavati Sūtra Bk. 8. Ch. 2
A. 125. They are like those with sense organs (see 102). Those without a mind (asanni) are like those with two organs of sense (see 95). Those who are no-sanni no-asanni are like the perfected beings (see 101).
[ on knowledge-as-power, etc. ]
प्रश्न १२६ - इविहा णं भंते ! लद्धी पण्णत्ता ?
Q. 126. Bhante ! How many types of power ( lābdhi ) are there ?
उत्तर १२६ – गोयमा ! दसविहा लद्धी पण्णत्ता तं जहा - णाणलद्वी दंसणलद्धी चरित्तलद्धी चरित्ताचरित्तलद्धी दाणलद्धी लाभलद्धी भोगलक्ष्मी उवभोग-लद्धी वीरियलद्वी इंदियलद्धी ।
A. 126. Gautama ! There are ten types, viz., knowledge - as-power, faith-as-power, conduct-as-power, part-renunciation ( cariträcaritra ) -as-power, gift-as-power, gain-as-power, enjoyment ( short )-as-power, enjoyment ( continuous )-as-power, energy-as-power and sense-organ-as-power.
प्रश्न १२७ - णाणलबुद्धी णं भंते ! कइविहा पण्णत्ता ?
Q. 127. Bhante ! How many types of knowledge-aspower are there ?
उत्तर १२७ – गोयमा ! पंचविहा पण्णत्ता तं जहा - आभिणिबोहियमाणलवी जाव... .केवलणाणलद्धी ।
A. 127. Gautama ! Five types, viz., perception, till supreme knowledge.
प्रश्न १२८ -- अण्णाणलद्धी णं भंते! कइविहा पण्णत्ता ?
Q. 128. Bhante ! How many types of non-knowledgeas-power are there ?
उत्तर १२८ - गोयमा ! तिविहा पण्णत्ता तं जहा - मइअण्णाणलद्धी सुयअण्णाणलद्धी विभंगणाणलद्धी ।