भगवती सूत्रम् सः ८ उः २
hells. (see 118) Those who do not belong to any one of these species are like the perfected beings (see 101 ) .
प्रश्न १२२ - भवसिद्धियाणं भंते! जीवा किं णाणी... ?
Q. 122. Bhante ! Are those to be perfected in this life (Bhavasiddhika) endowed with knowledge, etc. ?
उत्तर १२२ - जहा सकाइया ।
A. 122. They are like those with a body (see 105 ) .
प्रश्न १२३ - अभवसिद्धियाणं पुच्छा ?
Q. 123. And those who are not to be so perfected (abhavasiddhika), pray ?
उत्तर १२३ - गोयमा ! णो णाणी अष्णाणी तिणि अण्णाणाई भयणाए ।
A. 123. Gautama! Not endowed with knowledge, but with non-knowledge, and that upto three types of nonknowledge.
प्रश्न १२४ - णोभवसिद्धिया गोअभवसिद्धिया णं भंते ! जीवा... ?
Q.124. Bhante ! What about those who are no-bhavasiddhika no-abhavasiddhika ?
उत्तर १२४ - जहा सिद्धा ।
A. 124. They are like the perfected beings (see 101). प्रश्न १२५ -- सण्णीणं पुच्छा ?
Q. 125. And those with a mind (sanni), pray t
उत्तर १२५ - जहा सइंदिया | असण्णी जहा बेइंदिया | पोसण्णी जहा सिद्धा ।