Bhagavati Sätra Bk. 8 Ch. 2
A. 88. Wrong indication may be of two types, viz., about meaning and about composition, as stated about perceptual knowledge in the Nandi Sutra, except synonyms, till wrong memory.
प्रश्न ८९-से किं तं सुयअण्णाणे ? Q. 89. And what about scriptural non-knowledge ?
उत्तर ८९-जं इमं अण्णाणिएहिं मिच्छादिट्ठिएहिं जहा गंदीए जाव... चत्तारि वेया संगोवंगा सेत्तं सुयअण्णाणे।
A; 89. The same as stated in the Nandi Sutra, till as decided by those with non-knowledge and with a wrong outlook, till the four Vedas with their supporting literature, - all these belong to scriptural non-knowledge.
प्रश्न ९०-से किं तं विभंगणाणे ?
Q. 90. And what about distorted knowledge ?
उत्तर ९०-विभंगणाणे अणेगविहे पण्णत्ते तं जहा-गामसंठिए णयरसंठिए दीवसंठिए समुद्दसंठिए वाससंठिए वासहरसंठिए पव्वयसंठिए रुक्खसंठिए त्रुभसंठिए हयसंठिए गयसंठिए णरसंठिए किण्णरसंठिए किंपुरिससंठिए महोरनसंठिए गंधव्वसंठिए उसभसंठिए पसुपसयविहगवाणरणाणासंठाणसंठिए पण्णत्ते।
___A. 90. Distorted knowledge takes many varieties. It may be village-based, town-based, sannivesa-based, island (continent) -based, ocean-based, region-based, mountain-based, hill-based, tree-based, mound-based, horse-based, elephant-based, manbased, kinnara-based, mahoraga-based, gandharva-based, ox-based, animal based, payasa (animal with two hoofs) - based, bird-based and monkey-based. Thus vibhanga knowledge is located at different sites.
प्रश्न ६१-जीवाणं भंते ! कि णाणी अण्णाणी ?
Q. 91. Bhante! Are the living beings with five organs of sense endowed with knowledge or with non-knowledge ?