भगवती सूत्रम् सः ८ उः १
प्रश्न ६४-जइ पओगपरिणया कि मणप्पओगपरिणया कइप्पओगपरिणया कायप्पओगपरिणया ?
Q. 64. Bhante ! If they be formed by matter consciously transformed, then, are they relevant of the mind, the speech or the body ?
उत्तर ६४-गोयमा ! मणप्पओगपरिणया वा...। एवं एक्कगसंजोगो दुयासंजोगो तियासंजोगो भाणियन्वो ।
___A. 64. Gautama ! May be all by matter consciously transformed, or all by matter as a mixture, or all by matier spontaneously transformed or by two's, or by all the three.
प्रश्न ६५-जइ मणप्पओगपरिणया कि सच्चमण्णप्पओगपरिणया असच्चमणप्पओगपरिणया सच्चामोसमणप्पओगपरिणया असच्चामोसमणप्पओगपरिणया?
Q. 65. Bhante! If it be the mind, is it the truthful mind, et seq.
उत्तर ६५-गोयमा! सच्चमणप्पओगपरिणया वा जाव...असच्चामोसमणप्पओगपरिणया वा। अहवा एगे सच्चमणप्पओगपरिणए दो मोसमणप्पओगपरिणया वा। एवं दुयासंजोगो तियासंजोगो भाणियव्वो एत्थ वि तहेव । जाव...अहवा एगे तंससंठाणपरिणए एगे चउरंससंठाणपरिणए एगे आययसंठाणपरिणए वा ।
A. 65. Gautama ! It may be the truthful mind, till non-truthful non-untruthful mind ; or one of them may be truthful mind and the other two untruthful mind ; state by two's and by three's. Like this, till shape, till one being a triangle, another a square and a third a rectangle.
[When four objects are involved ]
प्रश्न ६६-चत्तारि भंते ! दव्वा किं पओगपरिणया मीसापरिणया वीससापरिणया ?