Bhagavati Sūtra Bk. 8. Ch. 1
Q. 62. Bhante ! If the two objects are formed by matter spontaneously transformed, then, are they relevant of colour, till shape ?
____ उत्तर ६२–एवं वींससापरिणया वि जाव...अहवा एगे चउरससंठाणपरिणए एगे आययसंठाणपरिणए वा ।
A. 62. As aforesaid, till one may have the shape of a square and another that of a rectangle.
[When three objects are involved ]
प्रश्न ६३-तिण्णि भंते ! दव्वा किं पओगपरिणया मीसापरिणया विससापरिणया ?
Q. 63. Bhante ! When three objects are involved, are they the outcome of matter consciously transformed, matter as a mixture or matter spontaneously transformed ?
_उत्तर ६३–गोयमा ! पओगपरिणया वा मीसापरिणया वा वीससापरिणया वा। अहवा एगे पयोगपरिणए दो मीसापरिणया। अहवा एगे पओगपरिणए दो वीससापरिणया। अहवा दो पओगपरिणया एगे मीससापरिणए। अहवा दो पओगपरिणया एगे विससापरिणए । अहवा एगे मीसापरिणए दो वीससापरिणया। अहवा दो मीससापरिणया एगे वीससा परिणए। अहवा एगे पओगपरिणए एगे मीसापरिणए एगे वीससापरिणए।
A. 63. Gautama ! May be all the three, one or the other, or one may be the outcome of matter consciously transformed and two of matter as a mixture, or one of matter consciously transformed and two of matter spontaneously transformed, or two of matter consciously transformed and one of matter as a mixture, or two of matter consciously transformed and one of matter spontaneously transformed, or one of matter as a mixture and two of matter spontaneously transformed, or two of matter as a mixture and one of matter spontaneously transformed, or one of matter consciously transformed, one of matter as a mixture and one of matter spontaneously transformed..