Bhagavati Sūtra Bk. 8 Ch. 1
of sense organs they are endowed with; and repeat this in due order, till the denizens of Sarvārthasiddha, with full attainments, who take fluid, fiery and kārman bodies and who are endowed with five sense organs, from touch, till hearing.
छट्ठो दंडगो
वण्णओ कालवण्णसुब्भिगंधपरिणया वि
जे अपज्जत्तासुमपुढविक्का इयरगिंदियपओगपरिणया ते परिणया वि णीललोहियहालिद्दसुक्किल... 1 गंधओ दुभिगंधपरिणया वि । रसओ तित्तरसपरिणया वि कडुयरसपरिणया वि कसायरसपरिणया वि अंबिलरस परिणया वि महुररसपरिणया वि । फासओ कक्खडफासपरिणया वि जाव... •. लुक्खफासपरिणया वि। संठाणओ परिमंडल ठाणपरिणया वि वट्टतसचउरंसआययसंठाणपरिणया वि । जे पज्जत्तसुहुमपुढवि... एवं चेव । एवं जहाणुपुवीए णेयव्वं जाव... जे पज्जत्ता सव्वट्ठसिद्धअणुत्तरोववाइअ जाव... परिणया ते वण्णओ कालवण्णपरिणया वि जाव... आययसंठाणपरिणया वि ।
Section (Dandaka) Six
[ on colour, till body structure ]
Consciously transformed matter taking form of fine one-organ earth bodies without full attainments may be black, blue, red, yellow or white in hue; fragrant or foul in smell; hot, bitter, pungent, sour or sweet in taste; hard, soft, cold, hot, heavy, light, rough or smooth in touch ; and surface-like (flat), circular, triangular, square or rectangular in shape. Repeat the same for fine one-organ earth bodies with full attainments, and continue in due order, till the denizens of Sarvarthasiddha, with full attainments, starting with black in hue, till rectangular in shape.
सत्तमो दंडगो
जे अपज्जत्ता सुमपुढविक्काइयए गिंदियओरालियतेया कम्मसरी रप्यओगपरिणया ते वण्णओ कालवण्णपरिणया वि जाव... आययसंठाणपरिणया वि । जो