Bhagavati Sūtra Bk. 8 Ch. 1
प्रश्न ६-पंचिंदियपओगपरिणयाणं पुच्छा ?
Q. 6. And how about five-organ beings ?
उत्तर ६-गोयमा ! चउब्विहा पण्णत्ता तं जहा-णेरइयपंचिंदियपओगपरिणया तिरिक्खजोणियपंचिंदियपओगपरिणया एवं मणुस्सपंचिंदियपओगपरिणया देवपंचिंदियफ्ओगपरिणया य ।
A. 6. Gautama ! They are stated to be of four types, viz., of infernal beings, of heavenly beings, of sub-human beings (animal) and of human beings.
प्रश्न ७-णेरइयपंचिंदियपोगपरिणयाणं पुच्छा ?
Q. 7. And how about the consciously transformed matter in the case of five-organ infernal beings ?
उत्तर ७-गोयमा ! सत्तविहा पण्णत्ता तं जहा-रयणप्पभापुढविणेरइयपंचिंदियपओगपरिणया वि जाव...अहेसत्तम पुढविणेरइअपओगपरिणया वि ।
A. 7. Gautama ! They are stated to be of seven types, corresponding to the seven hells, Ratnaprabhā and others, in which they are lodged, till the lowest and last bell.
प्रश्न ८–तिरिक्खजोणियपंचिंदियपओगपरिणयाणं पुच्छा ?
Q. 8. And, pray, what about the five-organ sub-humans (animals) ?
उत्तर ८–गोयमा ! तिविहा पण्णत्ता तं जहा-जलयरपंचिंदियतिरिक्खजोणियपओगपरिणया थलयरपंचिंदिय...खहयरपंचिंदिय... ।
A. 8. Gautama ! They are stated to be of three types depending on whether they live in water, on the soil or in
the sky.
प्रश्न ९-जलयरतिरिक्खजोणियपओगपरिणयाणं पुच्छा ?