पढमो उद्देसो Chapter One
रायगिहे जाव...एवं वयासी--
In the city of Räjagsha, till made submission :
[ on the transformation of matter ]
प्रश्न १-काइविहा णं भंते ! पोग्गला पण्णत्ता ? Q. 1. Bhante ! How many types of matter are there ?
उत्तर १-गोयमा ! तिविहा पोग्गला पण्णत्ता तं जहा-पओगपरिणया मीससापरिणया वीससापरिणया य ।
A. 1. Gautama ! They are stated to be of three types, viz.. matter consciously transformed, matter as a mixture of the two and matter spontaneously transformed.
पढमो दंडगो Section (Dandaka) One
[ General classification] प्रश्न २-पओगपरिणया णं भंते ! पोग्गला कइविहा पण्णत्ता ?
Q. 2. Bhante ! How many types of consciously transformed matter are there ?
उत्तर २-गोयमा ! पंचविहा पण्णत्ता तं जहा-एगिदियपओगपरिणया बेइंदियपओगपरिणया जाव...पंचिंदियपओगपरिणया।
A. 2. Gautama ! They are stated to be of five types, viz., matter transformed as the body of one-organ beings, of two-organ beings, till of five-organ beings.