Bhagavati Sutra Bk. 3 Ch. 2
Q. 64. And how about the thunderbolt ?
A. 64. Gautama ! (It is) the shortest when especially more when moving down.
moving up,
Q. 65. Bhante ! Of the movement up and the movement down of the thunderbolt, of the Lord of the thunderbolt (Sakra), and of Camara, the Indra of the Asuras, their king, which time is less, which one is more, which ones are equal, which one is especially more?
A. 65. Gautama ! The time of Şakra's moving up and that of Camara's moving down, being the shortest, are comparable ; the time of Sakra's moving down and that of the thunderbolt's moving up, being several times more, are comparable; the time of Camara's moving up and that of the thunderbolt's moving down, being especially more, are com
[ Camarendra's remorse ]
____तएणं से चमरे असुरिंदे असुरराया वज्जभयविप्पमुक्के सक्केणं देविदेणं देवरण्णा महया अवमाणेणं अवमाणिए समाणे चमरचंचाए रायहाणीए सभाए सुहम्माए चमरंसि सोहासणंसि ओहयमणसंकप्पे चिंतासोगसागरसंपविढे करयलपल्हत्थमुहे अट्टज्झाणोवगए भूमिगयाए दिट्ठीए झियाइ तएणं चमरं असुरिंदं असुररायं सामाणियपरिसोववण्णया देवा ओहयमणसंकप्पं जाव...झियायमाणं पासंति पासित्ता करयल जाव...एवं वयासीः
किं णं देवाणु प्पिया! ओहयमणसंकप्पा जाव...झियायह ?
तएणं से चमरे असुरिंदे असुरराया ते सामाणियपरिसोववण्णए देवे एवं वयासी :
एवं खलु देवाणुप्पिया! मए समणं भगवं महावीरं णीसाए सक्के देविंदे देवराया सयमेव अच्चासाइए तओ तेणं परिकुविएणं समाणेणं ममं वहाए वज्जे णिसिठे। तं भदं णं भवतु देवाणुप्पिया ! समणस्स भगवओ महावीरस्स जस्स म्हि पभावेणं अकिट्ठे अव्वहिए अपरिताविए इहमागए इह