Bhagavati Sūtra Bk. 3 Ch. 2
[ more on the movement of Indras ]
प्रश्न ६१ – सक्कस्स णं भंते ! देविंदस्स देवरणो 'उड्ढं अहे तिरियं च गइविसयस्स कयरे कयरेहितो अप्पे वा बहुए वा तुल्ले वा विसेसाहिए वा ?
उत्तर ६१ - सव्वत्थोवं खेत्तं सक्के देविंदे देवराया आहे उवयइ एक्केणं समएणं तिरियं संखेज्जे भागे गच्छइ उड्ढं संखेज्जे भागे गच्छइ ।
प्रश्न ६२ - चमरस्स णं भंते! असुरिंदस्स असुररण्णो 'उड्ढं अहे तिरियं च गइविसयस्स कयरे कयरेहिंतो अप्पे वा बहए वा तुल्ले वा विसेसाहिए वा ?
उत्तर ६२ - गोयमा ! सव्वत्थोवं खेत्तं चमरे असुरिंदे असुरराया उड् उप्पयइ एक्केणं समएणं तिरियं संखेज्जे भागे गच्छइ अहे संखेज्जे भागे गच्छइ ।
- वज्जं जहा सक्कस्स तहेव । नवरं विसेसाहियं कायव्वं ।
Q. 61. Bhante ! Of the movement up, down and oblique of Sakra, the Indra of the gods, their king, which one is less, which one is more, which ones are equal, and which one is especially more ?
A. 61. Of Sakra, the Indra of the gods, their king, downward movement is the smallest in one time-unit; a limited number of times more is his oblique movement; and a (further) limited number of times more is his upward movement. (In other words, he has maximum speed in up direction.)
Q. 62. Bhante ! Of the movement up, down and oblique of Camara, the Indra of the Asuras, their king, which one is less, which one is more, which ones are equal, and which one is especially more ?
A. 62. Of Camara, the Indra of the Asuras, their king, upward movement is the smallest in one time-unit; a limited number of times more is his oblique movement; and a (further) limited number of times more is his downward movement. other words, he has maximum speed in down direction.)