Bhagavati Sūtra Bk. 3 Ch. 1
प्रश्न १५-अहो ! णं भंते ! ईसाणे देविदे देवराया महिडढीए ईसाणस्स णं भंते ! सा दिव्वा देविड्ढी कहिं गया ? कहिं अणुपविट्ठा ?
उत्तर १५-गोयमा ! सरीरं गया। सरीरं अगुपविट्ठा।
प्रश्न १६-से केणठेणं भंते ! एवं वुच्चइ सरीरं गया? सरीरं आणुपविट्ठा?
उत्तर १६-गोयमा! से जहा णामए कडागारसाला सिया दुहओ लित्ता गुत्ता गुत्तदुवारा णिवाया णिवायगंभीरा तीसे णं कूडागारसालाए जाव ...कूडागारसाला दिलैंतो भाणियव्वो।
Q. 15. Bhante ! Iśāna, the Indra of the Devas, their king, is in possession of a great fortune. Bhante! Where did this great fortune of Iśāna, the Indra of the Devas, their king, go ? Where did it enter ?
A. 15. the body.
Gautama ! ([t) went into the body, entered into
Q. 16. Bhante! Why do you say-went into the body, entered into the body ?
A. 16. Gautama ! This happened as follows. Suppose there is a summit-shaped chamber, smeared on both sides, secret, with secret entrance, without air, without inlet for air. Such is the summit-shaped chamber, ...till the summitshaped chamber is to be cited as an illustration. (Just as in such a chamber, particles of dust, etc., enter, inspite of its being completely shut, in the same manner, the great fortune entered into the body.)
(previous birth of Iśänendra]
प्रश्न १७-ईसाणेणं भंते! देविदेणं देवरण्णा सा दिव्वा देविड्ढी दिव्वा देवज्जई दिव्वे देवाणुभागे किण्णा लद्धे किण्णा पत्ते किण्णा अभिसमण्गागये ? के वा एस आसी पुन्वभवे किं णामए वा किं गोत्ते वा कयरंसि वा गामंसि