Bhagavati Sūtra Bk. 3 Ch. 1
णामए जुवई जुवाणे हत्थेणं हत्थे गेण्हेज्जा जहेव सक्क्स्स तहेव जाव... एस णं गोयमा ! तीसयस्स देवस्स अयमेयारूवे विसए विसयभेत्ते बुइए णो चेव णं संपत्तीए विकुव्विसु वा विउव्वइ वा विउव्विस्सइ वा ।
Q. 11. Bhante! (You have said that) Sakra, the Indra of the Devas, their king, is in possession of a great fortune, ...till a great power to transform. Now, your disciple, the beloved of the gods, Tisyaka by name, gentle by nature, ...till with great humility, enriched his soul by incessant fasts missing six meals on each occasion, spent in all eight years in the holy order as a monk, and then courted a month-long penance and submitted his mortal frame to a prolonged fast missing sixty meals in all, discussing (lapses) and saying pratikramaṇa, entered into a state of trance, and on the arrival of the right moment, passed away, and attained a position in a celestial abode in Saudharma-kalpa. There, in his own abode, in the Hall of Genesis (Upapāta-sabhā), enjoying a cushion as thick as an infinitesimal fraction of a finger, covered with a divine cloth, and placed on a divine couch, he was born as a Sāmānika god unto Sakra, the Indra of the Devas, their king.
Thereafter, the said Tişyaka-deva, having been born there, had a five-fold attainments, which are attainments of food, of body, of organs of senses, of respirations and of expression and mind?. By virtue, of these five-fold attainments, he made a complete construction of his celestial body. Then, as Tisyaka-deva attained fullness by these five-fold attainments, the gods of the Samānika order folded their hands, placed the ten fingers of their folded hands on their respective heads, and welcomed him (to the order) shouting victory unto him. Then they said unto him:
Oh beloved of the gods! You are in possession of the divine fortune of the Devas, the divine grace of the Devas, the divine influence of the Devas; you have obtained them, and they are at your disposalR. Oh beloved of the gods! As you are recipient of the divine fortune of the Devas, the divine glow of the Devas, the divine influence of the Devas, so is Sakra, the Indra of the Devas, their king, the recipient of the divine fortune of the Devas, the divine