Bhagavati Satra Bk, 1 Ch. 5
Q. 174. Bhante ! How many are stated to be the body types of each one of the infernal occupants (of the 30,00,000 cells) of the Ratnaprabhā hell ?
A. 174. Gautama ! Three body types are stated. They are : fluid, caloric and kārmaņ115,
Q. 175. Bhante ! (Each one of the infernal occupants, etc.,) having a fluid body, are they in possession of anger?
A. 175. Gautama ! (They are) stated to take 27 forms. The same standard (i.e., 27 fornis) is stated to apply to all the) three body types116.
Q. 176. Bhante! What are stated of the bone structures of the infernal occupants (of the 30,00,000 cells) of the Ratnaprabhā hell ?
A. 176. Gautama ! Of the six bone structures, their bodies take none (i.e., they are without a bone structure. In fact, they are) without bones, without arteries, without sinews. Matter harmful, rough, unpleasant, unwelcome, unpalatable and ugly go in to constitute the body structure of these]17.
Q. 177. Bhante ! (Each one of the infernal occupants, etc.,) who takes not one of the six bone structures, and is hence without a bone structure, is he in possession of anger ?
A. 177. Gautama ! (Again) 27 forms.
Q. 178. Bhante! What are stated of the bodily shapes of the infernal occupants (of the 30,00,000 cells) of the Ratnaprabhā hell ?
A. 178. Gautama ! (They are) stated to take two shapes. They are : one lasting till life, and the other pure fluid lasting thereafter. Of these, the one lasting till life is stated to be of very ugly and uncouth shape. Even the pure fluid type is stated to be of very ugly and uncouth shape.