भगवती सूत्र शः १ उः १
दीहमद्धगं चाउरंतसंसारकंतारं वीईवयइ। से तेणठेणं गोयमा ! एवं वुच्चइ-संवुडे अणगारे सिज्झइ जाव...अंतं करेइ ।
Q. 58. Bhante! Is the restrained Does he end all misery ?
homeless perfected ?
A. 58. Yes, perfected is he, ...till ends all misery.
Q. 59. Bhante ! For what reason, do ye say so ?
A. 59. Gautama ! Barring karma determining life-span, the restrained homeless loosens the knots of the seven kinds of karma that were intractable, transforms the long-span ones into the short-span ones, the deep-effect ones into the sloweffect ones, and those with more space-units into those with less space-units. He does not get entangled into karma determining life-span nor does he acquire again and again karma causing a feeling of pain. He, therefore, overcomes this timeless, limitless, long-route four-state forest-like world. For this reason, oh Gautama, do I say, the restrained homeless is perfected ...till ends all misery.
[ on the course of life of the non-restrained ]
प्रश्न ६०-जीवे णं भंते ! असंजए अविरइए अप्पडिहयपच्चक्खायपावकम्मे इओ चुए पेच्चा देवे सिया ?
उत्तर ६०-गोयमा ! अत्थेगइए देवे सिया अत्थेगइए णो देवे सिया।
प्रश्न ६१-से केगळेणं जाव...इओ चुए पेच्चा अत्थेगइए देवे सिया अत्थेगइए णो देवे सिया ?
उत्तर ६१-गोयमा ! जे इमे जीवा गामा-ऽगर-णगर-णिगम-रायहाणीखेड-कबड-मडंब-दोणमुह-पट्टणा-ऽसम-सण्णिवेसेसु-अकामतण्हाए अकामछुहाए अकामबंभचेरवासेणं अकामसीता-तव-दंस-मसग-अकामअण्हाणग-सेय-जल्ल-मलपंक-परिदाहेणं अप्पतरं वा भुज्जतरं वा कालं अप्पाणं परिकिलेस्संति अप्पाणं