Word Index Bk. II
one whose treasure is religion. (18, P. 168) HfOHTC---with sinews visible. (18, P. 172) E7 *FTTTTT-spiritual vigil. (18,P. 173) Erf19f5---spiritual master, acārya. (18, P. 157)* qpayag-spiritual adviser. (18, P. 157)
Foraarifaqat—without desire for other faith. (34, P. 188) fagans-go out. (11) farroceri ragu-prescription for, and code of, the nirgrantha
order. (18, P. 165) (1) farefs9&3furush-who has not completed his work. (13) (at) farefouca-one who has not attained objective. (13) fuit-a monk. (13) facar-without any remnant. (62) (नो) निरुद्धभवपवंचे-one has who not restrained the cycles of
: coming and going. (13) (नो) निरुद्धभवे-one who has not restrained his glidings
back and forth. (13) farfoafafitogi-devoid of fear about outcome. (34, P. 188) farfal—without doubt. (34, P. 188) FEITA—(death) within human habitation. (18, P. 164)
gfsyhun--prudent man's death. (18, P.163) Tatou-location. (50) 971975-to be born. (9) qoqqu10996—to come forward to receive. (18, P. 157) Toathoaifa-come down, descend. (18, P. 177) 9049-category. (64) qf&foen-particularly conducive to well-being. (18, P. 165) qfefigna -go out. (18, P. 151) qfeyourt-in its entirety. (62) 9f6E-select. (18, P. 173) af afg4091-not to be stated, to be deleted. (74)