Word Index Bk. I
पुहुत्त, पुहत्त, पोहत - plural. ( 68 )
पोग्गलत्थकाय, पोग्गल -- matter ; अत्थिकाय - extended substance.
पोग्गला, पोग्गर, पोग्गल - matter. (5)
-end/limit of the vessel;, -vessel, ship. (205)
ff-organ of touch. (21)
without living objects. (305)
98919$3894—the time-period of touch. (200)
af-leather bag. (225)
gaya-with many space-units. (57)
fool, (Intro.-Couplet)
arqfsydify-mixed energy. (148)
बायरा, बायर-coarse.
arealf-fool's energy. (148)
af-foolishness (299).
बाहिं छण्हं मासा - beyond six months ; बाहि, वाहिं - beyond, outside. (271)
बुज्झइ, बुज्झ ---enlightened. (56)
af has been enlightened. (159)
affey, affe-right faith, knowledge. (300)
मंडव- -a health resort. (61)
मंदाणुभाव - slow effect. (57)
-path. (144)
-mind. (141)
-activities of the mind. (291)
-brain. (251)
-viewpoint. (144)
महज्जुइए, महज्जुइय--great halo (240) #65fay, #gfa̸-great prosperity. (240)