Bhagavati Sutra
qfEPUTATT, TERT, Tetor-separate. (1)
erut, get--fall, slip. (240) 973073, 9730-accept. (300) 973ftg, qr3f31–hatred-born (activity). (265) 9TOT-40-5a-at-T--two- to four-organ beings ; 74-flora
bodies; ota-five-organ beings; static
beings. (316) turfa, TTH-exhale. (4) qrugarg, qimagraslaughter of life. (206) aftarafutat (T-pain-causing (activity). (265) afzaraftarg—same as qiftarafuratgi (271) 91947, qagfor-preceptor. (144) Tray-urine. (247) Taraf743-progeny of Parsva. (296) gifts (5)-(on) sides. (258) fogatt--father's limbs/body-parts. (252) 1934 -father's semen ; semen. (245) fabile. (247) gco, geo-touched. (199) 60, 967371-worlds, hells. (Intro. Couplet) gaatgut--earth bodies. (27) qoup0q471—full of water. (227) qarsfragf26-linked with the son's vital organ. (250) gasfa951-touching the son's vital organ. (250)
Aviata OTT-tissue deriving juice for the son. (250) 97993—future time period. (12) gfth4759f79 -self-exertion. (131) yftar-hatred of the man. (270) Gaarat40741T-previous preparation, former pull ; 89741H02T
-length. (270) goraftur-one who had intake in the past. (6) goalan -born earlier. (72)