भगवती सूत्र शः १ उ: १
उप्पण्णपक्खस्स । छिज्जमाणे छिण्णे भिज्जमाणे भिण्णे दड्ढमाणे दड्ढे मिज्जमाणे मडे णिज्जरिज्जमाणे णिज्जिणे एए णं पंच पया णाणट्ठा णाणावंजणा विगयपक्खस्स ।
Q. 2. Bhante! Do these nine terms have the same import with different sounds, and different suggestions? Or, have they different imports, different sounds, different suggestions?
A. 2. Gautama ! Moving as moved, fructifying as fructified, feeling as felt and separating as separated-these four pairs are, because of their being in a state of formation, (being moved up from a dormant state), of the same import, though of different sounds and different suggestions. Cutting as cut, piercing as pierced, burning as burnt, dying, as dead and exhausting as exhausted,-these five are, by virtue of their being in a state of exit, of different imports, different sounds and different suggestions 21.
[ on the infernal beings—their life-span, respiration and intake ] प्रश्न ३ - णेरइयाणं भंते ! hasiकालं ठिई पण्णत्ता ?
उत्तर ३ - गोयमा ! जहणणं दसवाससहस्साइं उक्कोसेणं तेत्तीस सागरोवमाइं ठिई पण्णत्ता |
प्रश्न ४- णेरड्या णं भंते ! केवइकालस्स आणमंति वा पाणमंति वा ऊससंति वा णीससंति वा ?
उत्तर ४- जहा ऊसासपए ।
प्रश्न ५ - णेरइया णं भंते! आहारट्ठी ?
उत्तर ५- जहा पण्णवणाए पढमए आहारु देसए तहा भाणियव्वं ।
ठिई उस्सासाss हारे किं वाऽऽहारेति सव्वओ वा वि । कइभागं सव्वाणि व कीस व भुज्जो परिणमति ।।