भगवती सूत्र शः २ उ: ८
kuta mountain, as one goes obliquely 655,35,50,000 yojanas in the Arunodaya sea, and dives to the depth of 40,000 yojanas towards the Ratnaprabhā hell, there is Camara-cañcā, the metropolis of Camara, the Indra of the Asurakumāras. एग जोयणसयसहस्सं आयाम-
विखंभेणं जंबूदीवप्पमाणा। पागारो दिवड्ढं जोयणसयं उड्ढं उच्चत्तेणं मूले पन्नासं जोयणाई विक्खंभेणं उवरि अद्धतेरसजोयणाइं विकखंभेणं। कविसीसगा अद्धजोयणा आयामेणं कोसं विक्खंभेणं देसूणं अद्धजोयणं उड्ढं उच्चत्तेणं। एगमेगाए बाहाए पंच पंच दारसया अड्ढाइज्जाइं जोयणसयाई उड्ढं उच्चत्तेणं अद्धं विक्खंभेणं उवारियले णं सोलसजोयण-सहस्साइं आयाम-विक्खंभेणं पन्नासं जोयण-सहस्साइं पंच य सत्ताणउ य जोयण-सए किंचि विसेसूणे परिक्खेवेणं सव्वापमा · वेमाणियप्पमाणस्स अद्धं नेयव्वं । सभा सुहम्मा उत्तरपुरस्थिमेणं जिणघरं ततोववायसभा हरओ अभिसेय अलंकारो जहा विजयस्स।
The length and breadth of that capital city are 1,00,000 yojanas in each direction. It is as big as Jambu-dvipa. Its fortress is 150 yojanas in height and its spread at the base is 50 yojanas and at the summit 13} yojanas. The length of its kapi-śīrşaka is t yojana, its breadth is one krośa and its height is slightly less than 1 yojana. Each wing in the kapi-sirşaka has 500 entrances, each entrance being 250 yojanas in height and half of that in breadth. The rear structure of the palace is 16,000 yojanas in both length and breadth and its circumference is more or less 50597 yojanas. All the measures stated here are half of those of the capital city of the Vaimānikas. The Sudharmā Hall, the Jina temple in the north-east, the Hall of Birth, lake, Hall of Coronation, Hall of Decorations-description of all these is similar to those of Vijayadeva.
उववाओ संकप्पो अभिसेय विभूषणा य ववसाओ ।
अच्चणिय सिद्धायण गमो वि य चमर परिवार इडढत्तं ॥ Couplet : Halls of birth, resolve, coronation, decoration,
Reading, prayer, worshipping the liberated souls, Camara's family, its fabulous fortune--- All these need be stated39. अट्ठमो उद्देसो सम्मत्तो | Chapter eight ends