Positive Contents of Jinism
(A) Enjoining a monk to serve the sick --
इमं च धम्ममादाय कासवेण पवेइयं, कुज्जाभिक्खू गिलाणस्स अगिलाए समाहिए [Sootrakritaanga-I-3 (51 & 81)] गिलाणस्स अगिलाए वेयावच्च अब्भुट्ठयवं भवति [Thananga 649-7th)]
गति पडुच्च ततो पडिणीया-इहलोग, परलोग, दुहोलोग पडि. णीए; अणुकंप पडुच्च ततो पडिणीया- तवस्सि, गिलाण, सेहपडिणीए
(Thananga 208) ___Dashashrut 28-29 goes a step further and says that one who does not serve the sick incurrs the bondage of intense Mohaneeya (Delutive) Karma
साहारणट्ठा जे केइ गिलाणम्मि उवट्टिए पभू नकुण किच्चं मज्झपि से नकुव्वइ । सढे नियडी पण्णाणे कलुमा उलचेय से अप्पणो य अबोहिए महामोहं पकुवई ।।
(B) Supporting each other in remaining steadfast to the religious pathते उट्टियते सम्मुट्ठिया अन्नोन्न सारंति धम्मो ।
(Sootrakritaang, 2 (48) (C) Mutual help and service in needy moments amongst monks interse (Acharanga I 219-227)
(D) Samvayanga 91 says that there are 91 types of service but unfortunately except this total, the details have been lost to us; list must have been quite exhaustive.
(E) Cremation and rites are permissible of fellow religious beings
छहि ठाणेहिं निग्गंथा निग्गंथीयो य साहम्मितं कालगतं समायरमाणा णाइक्कमति तं जहा-अंतोहितो वा बाहिं जीणेमाणा, बाहीहिंतो वा निम्बाहिं जीणेमाणा, उवेहमाणा वा, उवासमाणा वा, अणु भवेमारणा वा, तुसिणीते वा संपव्वयमाणा ।
(Thananga, 477)
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