शिक्षा-दर्शन : एक सामान्य परिचय
२१. 'समाजशास्त्र', द्वितीय खण्ड, जी०के० अग्रवाल, पृ०-१३४. २२. "Education is the institution whose central values have to do with the
acquisition of knowledge." B.S. Phillips, Sociology, Social Structure
and Change, p. 305. २३. 'समाजदर्शन की रूपरेखा', जे०एस० मैकेजी, पृ०-८२. २४. वही २५. Education is an attempt on the adult members of the society to shape the
development of the comimg generation in accordance with its own ideals
of life. Welton James, Encyclopaedia Britanica, Vol. III, p.951 २६. विनोबा भावे, उद्धृत- 'शिक्षा-दर्शन', पृ० ७५-७६. २७. तदिति सर्वनाम, सर्वं च ब्रह्म, तस्य नाम तदिति तद्भाव: तत्त्वं ब्रह्मणो याथात्म्यं।
शंकराचार्य, 'गीताभाष्य', २/१६, पृ० १०३-१०४. 'भारतीय दर्शन', पृ०-६. Philosophy is a logical enquiry into the nature of reality. S.
Radhakrishnan. ३०. 'भारतीय दर्शन', पृ०-१. ३१. 'विश्वदर्शन की रूपरेखा', पृ०-९.
जे०पी० फिख्ने, “एड्रेसेज टू जर्मन नेशन', आर०एफ० जोन्स तथा जी०एच०
टर्नुबल द्वारा अनूदित, पृ०-१०३. 33. Philosophy is the theory of education in its most general phases John
Dewey, Democracy and Education, p. 386. 34. Sir John Adams used to tell his students that education is the dynamic
side of philosophy. It is the active aspect of philosophical belief, the practical means of realizing ideas of life James, S. Ross: Ground Work
of Educational Theory, p. 16. ३५-३६. "शिक्षा का दार्शनिक एवं समाजशास्त्रीय सिद्धान्त', पृ०-५४. ३७. The philosophy of education is nota poorrelation of general philosophy
even though it is often so treated even by philosophers. It is ultimately the most significant phase of philosophy. For it is through the processes of education that knowledge is obtained. John Devey, Problem of Man,
p. 165. ३८. 'शिक्षा के दार्शनिक तथा समाजशास्त्रीय सिद्धान्त', पृ०-५२. 39. All facts ultimately mean the same, but they mean the same in their own
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