The Indian Philosophical Quarterly is committed to the promotion of independent philosophical thinking in India today irrespective of doctrinal commitment or affiliations. Such an endeavour requires the creation of a national forum of philosophical investigations at advanced levels which would be committed to the achievement of structures of communication between classical perspectives, Indian and Western, and Contemporary problems, thus leading to the formation of a climate of relevance for our philosophical efforts.
As a part of this objective the Indian Philosophical Quarterly intends to bring out a series of publications in Philosophy to be called Indian Philosophical Quarterly Publications. The series will be devoted to publishing monographs, collection of articles, anthologies, original explorations and critical studies of specific problems or thinkers. We hope that such publications would provide a forum for scholars in our country to make available the results of their studies and reflections to a wider public. The individual monographs, however, would represent only the points of view of the authors concerned; they do not necessarily represent the editorial view-point.
We are happy to release our seventh publication, Studies in Jainism, which is an outcome of the proceedings of three seminars, the first entitled 'Seminar on Jaina Logic and Philosophy the second 'Colloquium on Jaina. Logic, Culture and Literature' and the third ‘Jaina Philosophy and Modern Scientific Thought. All these three seminars were organized by the Department of Philosophy, University of Poona, during the years 1975, 1977 and 1979 respectively. The bilingual character of the present work is due to the fact that some of the scholars participating in these seminars, wrote and presented theirs papers in Hindi. Here is an attempt to compile an adequate record of those seminars. We hope it will be of use to all the concerned. We are thankful to Prof. M. P. Marathe, Dr. P. P. Gokhale and Dr. (Mrs.) M. A. Kelkar of the Department of Philosophy, University of Poona, for