also can exist in a subtle form in one space-point, in which one paramāņu exists, by virtue of their capacity of contraction (sam koca)163. All gross and fine material entities are explained on the basis of the capacity of transformation of paramāņus and their combination and dissociation263x.
In the Sāṁkhya-yoga philosophy paramāņu is conceived as a produced entity evolved out of tanmātra (infra-atomic potential) 164, so it is divisible165, the Nyāya-Vaiseșika conceives the indivisibility of paramāņu166, while the Buddhists867 maintain the divisibility of paramāņu (i. e. Samghātaparamāņu) which consists of, at least, eight parts of elements (aştadrvyaka)168. The Vaiseșika phliosophy stops by conceiving paramāņu as the sixth division of rajakana (mote) in the sunrays169, whereas the Jainas accept one paramānu also as skandha170Jaina philosophy is the advocate of atomism like the Nyāya-Vaiseșika. Nevertheless, the nature of paramāņu conceived in this school of thought is not identical with that of the latter. But it compares well with the nature of Prakrti of the samkhya, for paramānus of Jaina metaphysics is transformable like praksti. On this ground paramāņu of the Jainas changes into many forms like earth, water, fire, etc., just as prakşti is the material cause of many effects like earth, water, fire, air, etc. It is to be noted that paramānu of the Jainas is finer than that of the Nyāya-Vaiśesika, but it is unmanifest like Prakrti of the sāṁkhya. Ananta paramānuvāda of Jaina philosophy is nearer to the doctrine of infinite plurality of Praksti of the early Sāṁkhya170x (with regard to the plurality of puruṣa), i. e. "cach being attached to a different puruṣa170y (self).” Transformation of Matter (Pudgalapariņāma):
Transformation takes place in Pudgala Dravya (Material substance) due to external and internal causes171. Dravya paramāņu (material atom) undergoes transformation as a result of internal causes and external influences172. The properties in paramāņu are changing from moment to moment, e. g. transformation of its rūpaśakti (varṇapariņāma), etc173. Visistapariņāma174 (particular transformation) is taking place in it, e. g. ekagunakāJakaparināma, dvigunakälakaparināma, etc. (transformation of onefold black colour, twofold black colour, etc.). Agurulaghupariņāma175 of pudgala (transformation of quality of neither heaviness nor lightness of matter) is the general transformation