Atom in Jain Philosophy
87 oranism are possible only with the help of different groups of pudgala possessing specific properties useful
for specific function. Besides, pudgala has form and extension, it is devoid of consciousness and life, it is eternal in its nature, constant in quantity (i.e. neither increasing nor decreasing) and it is a fundamental constituent of the universe. It pervades the whole of lokākāśa.
ATTRIBUTES The characteristic qualities (laksana) of a substance are those which distinguish it from other substances. As we have already seen, pudgala is the only substance which is perceivable (i.e. cognizable by sense-organs, mūrta),2 whereas all other five substances are imperceptible (amūrta) through sense-organs. This is because only pudgala possesses the qualities of colour, smell, taste and touch. Each of these qualities is capable of stimulating a specific sensory equipment of an animate organism.
The stimuli are then conveyed by the respective sense-organs to the congnizing apparatus, enabling it to perceive the physical object.
All the other five substances are totally incapable of any of these qualities and are, therefore, incapable of being the objects of sense-data and being perceived by the sense-organs. Thus, whatever is perceived or is perceivable must necessarily belong to the physical order of existence.4 Conversely, whatever is bereft of sensory qualities is non-physical
Rūpatva/mürtatva or sensory perceptibility is the sum total of the four sensuous qualities named above. Colour and/or extension by itself is not the cause of perceptibility of the matter. All the four qualities are concomitant. No modification of matter is such that it possesses three, two or one of the four qualities. Nor
1. Bhagavatī Sūtra, 1/19/129. 2. Tat. Sūt. Siddhasena's Commentary. 5/3. 3. Ibid, 5/23. 4. Ibid, 5/4 (Bhāsya). 5. Ibid, 5/4 (Siddhasena's Commentary). 6. Yatra rūpa-pariņāmah tatrāvasyamtayā sparsa-rasa-gandhairapi byāvyam;
ataḥ sahacarametac catustayam - Tat. Süt. Siddhasena's Commentary, 5/3.