Microcosmology : Atom pudgala perceivable by sense-organs of an animate organism. Out of the five astikāyas, which constitute the universe, pudgala is the only one which possesses the quality of mūrtatva, that is, it is perceivable by the sense-organs.
In Bhagavati Sūtra, which is one of most ancient and important canons, pudgala is elaborately described from many aspects. In Jain philosophy, a typically frequent method of describing the character of an object is the use of fourfold determinants : substance (dravya), location in space (kşetra) time (kāla) and attributes (bhāva).
1. Substantially, pudgala is infinite in number, that is to say,
there are infinite number of different physical entities. 2. Spatially, pudgala fills the whole cosmic space Mokākāśa). 3. Temporally, pudgala is eternal i.e. without beginning and
without end. 4. Qualitatively, pudgala possesses colour, taste, odour and
touch. 5. Interactionwise, pudgala is capable of being taken in and
transformed by jīva (psychic order of existence). The interaction between the psychic order and the physical existence is threefold: (a) Karma : A specific group of matter called
karmavargaņā is attracted and assimilated by jīva. Each individuai jīva, during its worldly existence, con
tinuously interacts with karma-pudgala. (b) Body : Each jīva must have a body as the instrument •
for the experience of pleasure and pain during its worldly existence. Four groups of pudgala are assimilated by jīva for this purpose. They are- audārika, vaikri yā,
āhāraka, and taijas.2 (c) Vital Functions : Breathing, nutrition, speech and
thought-all these physiological functions of a living
1. Brhad-dra vya-sangraha, verse 15. 2. See, also section IV of this chaper.