mostly dating from c. 16th century A.D. An illustrated ms of Trailokyadipaka exists in the Dig. Jaina Bhandara, Bombay. Besides miniatures in such texts on Cosmography, are found pafas or paintings on canvas or paper, with diagrams of the Jaina conception of the Universe or of the two-and-a-half continents (adhăi-dvipa) constituting the manuşya-loka. See Kierfel, op. cit., plates 5-6. The practice of painting such paças is referred to by Santicandra in his comm. on Jambudvi paprajñapri, sūtra 12, p. 72. For some more illustrations of the Samgrahani, see Jaina Citrakalpadruma, I, Figs. 269-271, 273-278 and pp. 95ff. Also see Caillat Collettee, Jaina Cosmology (in French and in English, Paris, 1982). Cf. कटिस्थकरवंशाखस्थानकस्थनराकृतिः ।। द्रव्यः पूर्णः स तु लोक: स्थित्युत्पत्तिव्ययात्मकः ॥
"-Trişaşți., 2.3.478 Also वैशायस्थः कटिन्यस्तहस्तः स्याद्यादृशः पुमान् । argui TRENT ..... ...
-Adipurana, 4.42 4. Also see Tiloyapannatti, 1.137ff, vol. I, pp. 17ff. Cf.
वेनासनसमोऽधस्तान्मध्यतो झल्लरीनिभः । अग्रेम रजसंकाशो लोकः स्यादेवमाकृतिः ।। जगत्त्रयेस्त्वधस्तियंगुर्वलोकविभेदतः । अस्तिर्य गूर्वभावो रुचकापेक्षया पुनः ॥
-Trisasti., 2.3.479, 481 5. Bhagavati sútra, 1.6, Tattvärtha sutra, III 1-2; Tiloya
pannatti, 2.9ff, Vol. I, pp. 52ff. Trisasri (text), 2.3.484,
486-502. 6. Tiloyapannatti, 1.152ff, 2.26f, 362f. 7. Tattvärtha sutra, 3.9-11, pp. 143ff. Trisasi. (text) 2.3.
552-566, Ädipuriņa, 4.49, Harivamsa of Jinasena, 5.4-7;
Jainendra Siddhantakośa, pp. 460-462. 8. Also see tables in Kierfel, op. cit., pp. 215, 218,
Tiloyapannatti, 4.1624ff, Vol. I, pp. 355ff. For Hindu traditions, Ali, S.M., Geography of the
Puranas (New Delhi, 1973), p. 10ff. 9. Tiloyapannatti, 4.2065ff, pp. 408ff. Trisasti., 2.3.577ff. 10. For names see Trişaşti. II (G.O.S.), p. 112. 11. Trisasi. II (GOS), p. 119 for a list of Mlecchas. 12. For a detailed account of Aryas and Mlecchas, see
Ramachandran, op. cit., 176-179. 13. For a list of Vidyadhara cities, Kierfel, op. cit., p. 329.
Jambudvi paprajñapti, sūtra 12, p. 72f; Tiloyapannatti,
4.112-125, vol. I, p. 156. 14. Trisasri, text, 2.3.556-566, GOS, op. cit., pp. 109ff; Tilo
yapannati, 4.1808ff. 15. Tiloyapan arti, 4.15-87, pp. 143ff. For interesting
descriptions of the Jagati, the Padmavaravedikā, the four gates, the god Vijaya superintending over the Vijaya-gate, etc. see Jivajivabhigama, sū. 124ff, pp. 177ff, Trisasti., II, GOS, p. 113, Trisasti text,
2.3.612ff. 16. Tiloyapannatti, 4.45ff, pp. 1477; p. 151. 17. Tiloyapamatti, 4.25ff, pp. 145ff; p. 151. 18. Harivamsa, 5.181, p. 84, Jambudvi paprajnapti, op. cit.,
Vasudevahindi, pp. 25-26, Tiloyapannatti, 5.3748, Vol. II, p. 535. He is the same as anadhi ya, worshipped in the Vardhamana-vidya.
Jaina-Rupa-Mandana 19. Jambudvipaprajñapri, sû. 12-13, pp. 72ff. The Siddhaya
tanas and the Sāśvata-Jina-pratimas are discussed in
Studies in Jaina Art, pp. 40, 52ff, 117-121. 20. Harivamša, pp. 647-680, 122-24; Ramachandran, T.N.,
op. cit., p. 181; Kierfel, op. cit., pp. 253ff. Trisasi., 2-3.704-738, II, GOS, pp. 120ff. Also see Shah, U.P.,
Studies in Jaina Art, on Nandiśvaradvipa. 21. Jivajivabhigama sutra, 3.2, sü, 183, p. 356, for an early
account of the Nandiśvara-dvipa. Patas or plaques representing the 52 shrines on the Nandiśvara are very popular amongst both the sects. The Digambaras represent 52 small figures of the Jinas (suggesting 52 shrines) on a four-tiered platform or in a miniature shrine, both the types being four-faced (sce Ramachandran, T.N., op. cit., p. 181 and pl. xxxi, figs. 3-4). The Svetāmbaras represent 52 miniature shines in tr oups of 13 each, arranged in different ways. A beautiful plaque from Ranakpur was discussed in JISOA, IX (1941), p. 48, pl. V, by this writer. Also see U.P. Shah, Studies in Jaina Art, pp. 11988,
fig. 89. 23. Jambudvipaprajñapti, sūtras 172-173. 24. For example, the inter-continental mlecchas are Ekoru,
Hayakarna, Gajakarna, Gokarna, Saskuli-karpa, Meșamukha, Hayamukha etc., the Karmabhūmija mlecchas are Saka, Yavana, Sabara, Barbara, Kaya, Mur. unda, Udra, Godra, Arapaka, Hūņa, Romaka, Bhilla, Pulinda, etc. The lists vary in some texts. See Prajnapana sūtra for a list of mlecchas; also, Ramachandran, op.
cit., pp. 176-77, Trisasi., II (GOS), pp. 119ff. 25. Trilokasära, verses 687ff. Trisasi., II (GOS), p. 112.
Trilokasára, vv. 711ff give a list of countries in the Arya kşetras of Bharata land; also see Trisasti., op. cit., p. 117. Trisasi text, 2.3.750-79, Jainendra-Siddhanta
Koša, vol. 4, pp. 511-38. 26. Ramachandran, op. cit., p. 184. In Kalpasutra minia
tures, the nirvana of a Jina is usually represented by showing him sitting in padmasana on the Siddhasila, white and shaped like an inverted umbrella (or a
crescent moon). 27. Sthānanga sutra, 4.1, sü, 257, vol. I, p. 198, Jivojivábhi
gama sutra, 3.1, sū. 114ff, pp. 158ff. 28. Tiloyapannatti, 3.9-10, 119ff, vol. I, pp. 111, 126ff,
Jivājivabhigama sūtra, op. cit. 29. Prajñāpanā sūtra, pada 2, sū. 37, vol. I, p. 283;
Brhatsamgrahani of Jinabhadra Gani Kşamasramana, vy. 44ff and in the Samgrahani sūtra, v. 25. See Kierfel, Kosmographie der inder, Section on Jaina
Cosmography. 30. Sthānanga, 10.3, sū. 766. Kierfel, op. cit., p. 264. | 31. See Prajnapanā sĩ tra, pada 2, sũ. 27, Vol. 1, pp. 267ff
and Jiväjivabhigama, comm. on sü. 117, pp. 161-165. 32. For Sixty-Four Indras, see JOI, 34, nos. 1-2, pp. 41ff.
| See Praj mã and sutra, op. cit., sũ. 32f. pp. 274T. 33. Malayagiri's comm. on Brhatsamgrahani of Jinabhadra,
p. 3 saysतथा विविधमन्तरं बनान्तरमादिकमाश्रयरूपं येषां तेब्यन्तराः, तथा हि तेषु तेषु वनान्तरेषु घोलान्तरेषु कन्दरान्तरेषु च प्रतिवसन्तति सुप्रसिद्ध
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