Vaimānika Gods44
Symbol on Crowns
Symbol on Crowns
Boar Deer Buffalo Fish
Frog Snake
1. Saudharma 2. Išana 3. Sanatkumāra 4. Mahendra 5. Brahmaloka 6. Lantaka 7. Mahāśukra 8. Sahasrara 9. Anata 10. Pranata 11. Arana 12. Acyuta
Deer Buffalo Boar Lion Goat Frog Horse Elephant Snake Ganda-animal Bull A deer known as Vidima
Goat Bull Wishing Tree Wishing Tree Wishing Tree Wishing Tree
The Jaina texts give various other details regarding the Indras of various classes, their places, shrines, lokapālas, queens etc. The Tiloyapannatti gives an elaborate description of the Airavata elephant. The Jivājivābhigama describes the pūjā performed by Vijayadeva in the Siddhayatana, the 32 types of dances are noteworthy in the Raya pasen aiya. Similar pujà is described in the Tiloyapannatti but the 32 varieties of dance are not detailed.
Besides the above-mentioned gods, there are some gods and goddesses specifically named and described. Of this type are Vijaya, Vaijayanta, Jayanta, and Aparăjita, belonging to the Vyantara class (?), superintendents of the four dvåras (gates) of the Jagati (rampart) of the Jambu-dvipa.45 4nadsta, a Vyantara, is the Lord of the Jambu-dvipa. Now a goddess Aņāhiye has been identified by this writer 46 with the Anähită-Anaitis, an Iranian goddess. This Anādhiya47 or Anahiya or Anadrta seems to be a male counterpart of Anāhitä-Anaitis, evolved at a later date.
The different Dik-Kumāris, living on different kūtas of Meru and Rucakadvipa, 56 in number are a group of goddesses which have a special function like the Indras, in the Birth ceremonies of a Jina and therefore get a place in Jaina art. They are the attendants (mahattarikās) of the Mother of a Jina. The list deserves critical study, since the Jainas seem to have given a place in this list to ancient popular or Vedic goddesses. Thus for example we find Vijayā, Nanda, lla, Aparajita, Bhadrā, Pļthvi, Ekanāsă (Ekānamśā).
Of such antiquity are the six goddesses known as Hľada-devis residing on the islands-continents on the six varşadhara mountains (Himavån and others); they are Sri, Hri, Dhrti, Kirti, Buddhi and Laksmi. 48
Various gods and goddesses could be classified under one or the other of the sub-divisions of the above-mentioned four main classes. But with their store of merit exhausted, these gods and goddesses had to be reborn on this earth. They are not the highest objects of worship. They are mere celestial beings or Devas, but the Devädhidevas, Lords of even the celestial beings, objects of worship for all, are the Emancipated souls, the Siddhas and such Siddhas who during their life-time have founded a Tirtha, i.e. propagated Jaina Faith having established orders of śrāvakas, śrävikäs, sädhus and sadhvis. These are the highest objects of Jaina worship.
Next to the Tirthankaras or Arhats and Siddhas are the other ascetic souls, the Jaina monks of three main grades of Acārya, Upadhyâya and Sadhu, these five constituting what are known as Parcanaramesphins, the Five Chief Divinities. These and the Salákāpuruşas or great souls have been discussed in separate chapters.
This in essence is Hero-worship and as such Great souls both ascetic and non-ascetic came to be
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