Iconography of 24 Tirtharkaras
Museum, New Delhi, JOI, Vol. XXIV, nos. 1-2,
pp. 238-242, figs. 1, 2, 5, 6. 331. Bhattacharya, B.C., Jaina Iconography, First Edition,
pl. VI. 332. Fleet, Gupta Inscriptions, Corpus Inscriptionum Indicarum,
Vol. III, 66-68. 333. Jaina Pratima-Vijñana, p. 130. 334. A.S.I., A. Rep. for 1925-26, pl. 60, fig. E, p. 115.
Negative no. 643 of Indian Museum, Archaeological
Section 335. Negative no. 676 of Indian Museum, Arch. Section. 336. Ghosh, Deva Prasada, Traces of Jainism in Bengal, Jaina
Journal, Vol. XVIII, no. 4 (1984), pp. 137-142. 337. For Jaina sculptures from Bengal, also see History of
Bengal, I, pp. 464ff, figs. 47-49, 153; Banerji, R.D., Eastern School of Mediaeval Indian Sculpture, pp. 144ff, pls. Ixxyizlxxvii. A.S.I., A. Report for 1925-26, pp. 115 pl. Ix, e;-ibid., for 1921-22, p. 84, pl. xxi; ibid., for 192223, pp. 112ff. Indian Culture, Vol. III, pp. 524ff. Jaina Journal, Vol. XVIII, no. 4, pl. opposite page 148 illustrates Pārsva images at Siddheśvara, Bahulara, Dharapat, and at Biharimath in Bankura district. Studies in Jaina Art, fig. 78, Pärsvanatha from Bahulara. Mitra, Debala, Some Jaina Antiquities from Bankura, West Bengal, Journ. Asiatic Society of Bengal, Vol. 24, no. 2,
pp. 133-134. 338. Prasad, H.K., Jaina Bronzes in the Patna Museum,
Mahavira Jaina Vidyalaya Golden Jubilee Volume,
pp. 281-288 and plates. 339. Mohapatra, R.P., Udayagiri and Khandagiri Caves. 340. Tiwari, M.N.P., Jaina Pratima-Vijnana, p. 131, fig. 59. 341. Joshi, Arun, History & Culture of Khijjingakotta under
the Bhanjas (Delhi, 1983), fig. 46. 342. Mohapatra, R.P., Jaina Monuments of Orissa, pp. 220
221. 343. Mankodi, Kirit, A Rashtrakuta Temple at Hallur in
Bijapur District, Aspects of Jaina Art and Architecture,
pp. 205-214, figs. 8, 10. 344. Dhaky, M.A., Sāntāra Sculpture, J.J.S.O.A. (New Series),
Vol. IV, pp. 78-97, figs. 24, 27. 345. Dhaky, M.A., Gerasappinä Jinomandiro (Gujarati),
Svadhyâya, Vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 80-85, fig. 2. 346. Annual Report on South Indian Epigraphy, 1939.40,
p. 237, inscr. no. 108. 347. Bhatt, P. Gururaja, Studies in Tuluva History and
Culture, pp. 438-441. 348. For the story see Pasanahacariyam, 1871; Vividla
Tirtha-Kalpa, p. 26. Karakandacariu gives a slightly
different account. 349. See also Cintamani-Kalpa, of Dharmaghosa suri (c. 14th
cent. A.D.), published in Mantradhiraja-Cintamani,
354. Called Seniya (Śrenika) and Kuniya (Kunika) in Jaina
works. For various accounts see Jaina, J.C., Life in Ancient India as depicted in Jaina Canons, pp. 378ff",
398fT. 355. The date has been a matter of great controversy. A
noteworthy work on the subject is a critical essay by Muni Kalyanavijaya, in Hindi, entitled Vira Nirvana Samvat aur Jaina Kalaganana, Nagari Pracharini Parrika, vols. X, XI. Also see Schubring. Der Lehre Der Jainas, pp. 5, 30. According to some, including Jacobi, the date is taken as 467 B.C. Also see Age of Imperial Unity, pp. 36-38; for dates of Buddha and Mahavira and for their relations with Bimbisåra and Ajätasatru, ibid., pp. 19-28. Cambridge History of India, Vol. I, p. 156.
Muni Nagaraja, Agama aur Tripitaka, Vol. I. 356. Uttarapuraia, of Gunabhadra, 74, v. 252-256. 357. Jacobi, Jaina Sutras, S.B.E., Vol. XXII, Introduction,
pp. XIIff. 338. 39: Faze a Bathgafati
महिषी श्रीसमद्रस्य तस्यासीत् प्रियकारिणी ।। चेतश्चेटकराजस्य यास्ताः सप्त शरीरजाः। अतिस्नेहाकुलं चक्रुस्तास्वाधा प्रियकारिणी ।। कस्ता योजयितुं शक्तरित्रशलां गुणवर्णनः । या स्वपुण्य महावीरप्रसवाय नियोजिता ॥
-Harivamsa, 2.16-18 This difference in Svetāmbara and Digambara traditions is noteworthy. Also see Chp. I above, pr. 2ff. Uttarapurāņa, 74. For Mahāvira's relationship with Bimbisára, Uda yana, Pradyota and others, see Jaina, J.C., op. cit., pp. 382ff. For remarks on the legend of Transfer of Embryo, see
above, Chp. I, pp. 2ff. 359. As usual in the Digambara tradition, Indra named him
Vira ard Vardhamana, Uttarapurära, 74.276. For names of Mahāvīra, see Kalpa-sutra, 108, 110;
Trisasi., X.2.100; cf. Avašyaka-Niryukti, 1091. 360. Trisasi., X.2.106ff. 361. Uttarapurara, 74.287ff. 362. Also called Kanduka-krida, see Kalpa-sutra-Subodhika,
pp. 264-265. 363. For upasarga by Sangamaka, see Trişasi, X.2.106ff;
Uttarapurana, 74.287ff. 364. The incidents are not described in the Kalpa-sutra and
the Ācāranga-sutra, but see Trisasti., X.2.119-122. Kalpa-sutra-Subodhika (a comm. on Kalpa-sutra),
pp. 266-267. 365. Trisasti., X.2.150ff; Kalpa-sútra, 110. For Jamali, see
Bhagavari-sútra, 9.33. For Anojjā, Acårånga sätra,
S.B.E., pp. 193ff. 366. For a discussion on this with citations, see Bool Chard,
Lord Mahavira, pp. 28f1. 367. Acaranga-sútra, 11.15.17, S.B.E., XXII, p. 194; Kalpa
sutra, 110, S.B.E., XXII, p. 256; Trisasti., X.2.156ff. Cf.: एवं च ज्यायसो भ्रातुः सशाकस्योपरोधतः । जगत्पतिर्भावतिरलकारैरलकृतः ।। कायोत्सर्ग धरो नित्य ब्रह्मचर्यपरायणः ।
Pp. 30ff.
350. Puratana-Prabandha-Sangraha (Singhi Serics), pp. 95.96;
Vividha-Tirtha-Kalpa, pp. 104-105. 351. For further details, see Shah, U.P., Supernatural Beings
in the Jaina Tantras, Acharya Dhruva Commemoration
Volume, part III. 352. Ibid., p. 83. 353. Vividha-Tirtha-Kalpa, p. 86 and pp. 102-106.
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