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## Pinḍaniyukti: An Observation
This is an observation on the acceptance of modakas as prasūka. It is stated in the Nishītha paragram that modakas are prasūka. The Nishītha paragram should be understood in the same way as the Nishītha svagram. The niyuktikāra and the tīkākara have not explained it separately.
There are two types of ācīrṇa svagram abhyāhr̥ta based on the area: deśa and deśadeśa. An area within a hundred hands is called deśa, and an area beyond a hundred hands is called deśadeśa. In this, food brought from within a hundred hands is ācīrṇa for the sādhus, and food brought from beyond that distance is anācīrṇa.
There are three types of ācīrṇa abhyāhr̥ta: jaghanya, madhyama, and utkr̥ṣṭa. Transferring an object from one hand to another is jaghanya ācīrṇa, abhyāhr̥ta from within a hundred hands is utkr̥ṣṭa ācīrṇa, and abhyāhr̥ta from the area between these two is madhyama ācīrṇa.
The niyuktikāra has mentioned the faults of abhyāhr̥ta from jalapath and sthalapaṭh. According to him, both these paths lead to samyama-virādha and ātma-virādha. The faults of the jalapath are: immersion in deep water, being caught by aquatic animals, and sinking of the feet due to mud, etc. The faults of the sthalapaṭh are: thorns, snakes, thieves, dogs, etc.
In the tīkā of Mūlācāra, the Sanskrit shadow of 'abhihaḍ' is 'abhighaṭ', and it is divided into two parts: deśa abhighaṭ and sarva abhighaṭ. Deśa abhighaṭ is of two types: ācīrṇa and anācīrṇa. According to the Digambara tradition, alms brought from three houses or seven houses are ācīrṇa, and alms brought from beyond that distance are anācīrṇa. There are four types of sarva abhighaṭ: 1. svagram 2. paragram 3. svadesa 4. paradesa. Taking from the east side of the neighborhood to the west side of the neighborhood is svagram abhighaṭ. Bringing from another village is paragram abhighaṭ. Similarly, svadesa and paradesa should be understood. All types of sarvābhighaṭ are anācīrṇa.
In svagram abhyāhr̥ta, food brought from within three houses is called svagram gṛhantar. Nogṛhantar is of many types: vāṭaka, gali, etc. In this, the one who brings it cannot use it, therefore it is anācīrṇa.
12. Udbhinna Doṣa
Opening a covered or sealed container with lac, etc., and giving medicines, ghee, sugar, etc., to the sādhus is...