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324 Pindaniyukti 53 78 12 Kham-Ksham, worthy. 319 Khamg-tapasvi. 90/2 Khay-to be destroyed. 231/5 Kharantna-to give reproach. 96/1 Khallg-a dona made of bamboo leaves. 90/3 Khaim-Khadim. Khamana-to ask for forgiveness. 218/1 Khar-alkali. Khinsa-slander. 277 Khitta-thrown. 254 Khinn-tired. 210/3 Khivan-to throw. 219/14 Khir-milk. 86/2 Khirudum-Kshiradruma, banyan tree etc. sweet trees. 11 Khirudhai-milk-giving nurse. 197 Khujj-kubj, hunchback. 219/10 Khudd-kshullk, small disciple. 219/1 Khutt-time. 302/3 Khubban-to be agitated. 278 Khetta-field. 73/2 Khev-ksep, projection. 222/2 Khobh-kshob, to be agitated. 214/3 Khomiy-kshoumik, cotton cloth. 32 Khol-spy. 69/3 Khosy-worn-out. Ganthi-knot. 164 Gand-breast. 198/5 Gadhiy-giddha, attached. 96/2 Gabb-garbh / 168 Gabbhadhan-garbhaadhan. 231/10 Gabbhini-pregnant. 231/10 Gam-equivalent text of the scriptures. 198/10 Gumm-worthy of enjoyment. 231/5 Gay-elephant. Garhit-garhit. 201/2 Gariha-dust. 274 Galant-falling. 312/1 Galichch-neck ornament. 198/13 Gavatt-cow food, grass. 96/2 Gavitth-food obtained through investigation. 233 Gavesana-investigation. 51,53 Gahit-grihit. 117 Gamasamiy-gram-chief. 173/1 Gah-aquatic animal species. 154 Giddhvaridhi-a type of male-dominated female. 219/6 Gimh-summer. 54/1 Gira-speech. 198/14 Girifulliy-giripushpit city. 216 Gilan-glan, patient. 21/2 Giliy-to swallow. 82/3 Gih-grih, house. 156 Gihatth-grihasth / 95/1 Gihi-grihi, grihasth. 22/4 Gundiy-ash-covered. 198/11 Gujjhag-dev special. 210/5 Gutti-gupta. 44/4 Gul-jaggery. 40 Guliy-gutika, for transformation, a gutika kept in the mouth. 141 Gavini-pregnant. 168 Geruy-gerua-clad wanderer, a type of Shraman. 209 Gelann-disease. Geh-grih. 76/1 Gehi-attachment. 83/4 145