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## Pindaniyukti
210/1. Giving to the worthy, to the earth-deities, is a gift of great fruit.
What to speak of the Brahma-bandhus, what to speak of those who are devoted to the sixfold conduct? || 448 ||
210/2. What to speak of the weak, the wretched, the unattached, the fearful, the trembling?
In the world of the worthy, the tooth of the giver takes away the gift. || 449 ||
210/3. The world gives with its hand, to the familiar, to the worthy.
But he who gives with a half-hearted mind, his gift is truly not worthy. || 450 ||
210/4. What to speak of the easily available, the food of the cows and the like, the grass and the like?
The easily available food of the hungry, the thirsty, is not easily available. || 451 ||
210/5. These are the beings of Kailasa, who have come to this earth in disguise.
They wander about in the form of yakshas, worthy and unworthy, beneficial and harmful. || 452 ||
211. This is the meaning, seen in the world, in the matter of giving and receiving.
These are the faults of the worthy, the virtuous, the wise, as mentioned one by one. || 453 ||
212. Just as crows and the like, are known by their grasping nature.
So also, he who is seen to be greedy in the world, is known to be a beggar, whether he asks or not. || 454 ||
213. A gift is not fruitless, it is seen to be beneficial in the case of those who have received it.
These faults, as mentioned, are seen in the case of those who have received it, what to speak of those who have not received it? || 455 ||
२१०/१. लोगाणुग्गहकारिसु, भूमीदेवेसु बहुफलं दाणं।
अवि नाम बंभबंधुसु, किं पुण छक्कम्मनिरतेसु ॥ ४४८ ॥ २१०/२. किवणेसुरे दुम्मणेसु य, अबंधवाऽऽतंकजुंगियंगेसु' ।
पूयाहज्जे लोगे, दाणपडागं हरति देंतो ॥ ४४९ ।। २१०/३. पाएण देति लोगो, उवगारी- 'परिचितेसु जुसिए'वा।
जो पुण अद्धाखिन्नं, अतिहिं पूएति तं दाणं ॥ ४५० ॥ २१०/४. अवि नाम होज्जा सुलभोर, गोणादीणं तणादि१२ आहारो।
छिच्छि क्कारहताणं१३, न या४ सुलभो होति साणाणं५ ॥ ४५१॥ २१०/५. केलासभवणा'६ एते, आगता गुज्झगा महिं।।
चरंति जक्खरूवेणं, पूयाऽपूय हिताऽहिता ॥ ४५२ ॥ २११. एतेण मज्झ भावो, दिट्ठो८ लोगे पणामहज्जम्मि।
एक्केक्के पुव्वुत्ता, भद्दगपंताइणो२० दोसा ॥ ४५३ ।। २१२. एमेव कागमादी, साणग्गहणेण सूइता होति।
जो वार जम्मि पसत्तो, वणेति तहिं २२ पुट्ठऽपुट्ठो वा२३ ॥ ४५४ ॥ २१३. दाणं न होति अफलं, पत्तमपत्तेसु सण्णिजुज्जंतं५ ।
'इय वि भणिते २६ वि दोसा, पसंसतो२७ किं पुण अपत्ते?२८ ॥ ४५५ ॥ १. 'देवसु (ला, ब) भूमि (निभा)।
१५. सुणगाणं (निभा, क, मु), सुणहाणं (अ, बी), २. निभा ४४२३, जीभा १३७१, व्याख्यात्मक होने के सुणयाणं (जीभा १३७७)।
कारण २१०/१-५ तक की पांच गाथाएं भाष्य की १६. कयलास' (अ), कइलास' (बी, क), होनी चाहिए।
_ 'भवणे (स, निभा ४४२७)। ३. किविणेसु (अ, क, ब), किमणेसु (ला, स)। १७. पूयापूया (अ, बी, स, मु), जीभा १३७८, इस ४. दुब्बलेसु (अ, बी, निभा, जीभा १३७३)।
गाथा में अनुष्टुप् छंद है। ५. 'यंगे तु (अ, बी), 'जुंगियत्तेसु (निभा ४४२४)। १८. विद्धो (ला, ब, जीभा, निभा ४४२८)।
पूया हविज्ज (अ, बी), पूयाहेज्जे (निभा)। १९. "महिज्ज (क)। ७. देंति (ला, ब), देंती (स)।
२०. पंताइया (जीभा १३८२)। ___ *गारिसु (क, मु)।
२१. व (ला, ब)। ९. परिजुए व वुसिए (ला, ब), "चिएसुज्झुसिए (मु), २२. तं (अ, बी), निभा ४४२९।।
परिजितेसु वुसिए (निभा ४४२५), 'चिए व २३. उ (निभा)। झसिए (जीभा १३७५)।
२४. “पत्ते य (अ, बी, जीभा १३८३), १०. होति (स, निभा ४४२६)।
___ पत्ते व (ला, क, ब)। ११. सुलहो (स)।
२५. "गँजंतं (क), "उज्जंतं (जीभा)। १२. तणाई (बी), तणाई (स)।
२६. ईय विभणिए (ला, क, ब)। १३. अच्छिक्का (ला, ब), छिच्छिक्का' (मु)। २७. पसंसिमो (जीभा)। १४. हु (क, मु)।
२८. अपत्तं (निभा ४४३०)।
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