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## Pindaniyukti
57/1. Jotis-tanosahina, megha-rinakaraana uggamoore davve.
So puna jatto ya jaya, jaha ya davvuggamoo vaccho. || 87 || 57/2. Vasaghare anujatta, atthaani jogga kiddakale ya.
Ghadaga-saravesu kata, u modaga laddagapiyassa. || 88 || 57/3. Jogga ajinne marutanisagga tisamutthato. Asuisamuttho.
Ahaaruggamchinta, asui tti duha malappbhavo. || 89 || 57/4. Tassevam veragguggameṇa sammatta-naana-charanaana.
Jugavam kammavagamo, kevalanaanuuggamoo jato. || 90 || 57/5. Dansana-naanappbhavam, charanam suddehi tehi tassuddi.
Charanena kammasuddi, uggaamasuddi charanasuddi. || 91 || 58. Aahakammuddesiya, puutikamme ya misajate ya.
Thavana pahudiyae, paoyara kita pamicche. || 92 ||
1. Meha (la, ba, mu, ka).
2. Muggamoo (mu).
3. Jutto (a, ba, la).
4. Vuccho (sa), tu. Jiabha 1089.
5. Vasahara (mu).
6. “Jutta, (a, bi), “Jatto (sa).
7. Kidd (la, ba).
8. For the expansion of the story, see Pari. 3, Katha San. 3.
9. Ajinne (mu).
10. Tisamubbhavo (a, ba).
11. Veragg' (bi), Gugaman (ba, la).
12. Kammuvagamo (a), Kamuvagamo (bi), Kamuggamoo va (ka, sa).
13. Suddehi tehi (a, bi), Sudde tu tammi (Jiabha 1092).
14. Karanena (a, bi), Dharanena (la), Haranena (ba).
15. "Sidda (ba, la).
16. 57/1-5- These five verses are mentioned in the published commentary in the order of Niga, but these five verses should be from the commentary. In verse 57, the author speaks of the origin of substance and the origin of emotion.
17. Puuyakamme (a, bi).
18. Prabhutika-purvam napumsakatve'pi kapratyayee samanete sati striitvam (mavru).
19. Nibha 3250, Bribha 4275, Prasa 564, Jiabha 1095, Pimpra 3, Tu. Mula 422, Pancha 13/5, 58, 59- these two verses are not in the S prati.