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## Pindaniyukti
The meaning of the word "Pindita" is this: "This is the Pind that I have explained." I will explain the meaning of "Food-Spoiled-Cloth-Substance" in detail. || 72 ||
**Door:** The meaning of "Esana" is to be understood as "Investigation, Path, and Understanding."
These are the names that are combined together for "Esana." || 73 ||
52. The name "Thavana" should be understood in terms of "Daviya" and "Bhavammi" in relation to "Esana."
"Daviya" and "Bhavammi" should be understood in three ways each. || 74 ||
52/1. "Jamm" is one, "Sutas" is another, "Tamesa" is another, and "Natum" is another.
"Sattum" is one, and "Se Maccu" is another. || 75 ||
52/2. Similarly, in the rest of the "Chauppada-A-Chitta-Misesu,"
wherever "Esana" is connected, there "Joejja" should be understood. || 76 ||
52/3. "Bhavesana" is of three types, "Gavesa-Gahana-Esana" should be understood.
"Ghase-Esana" is the first, and it is understood by those who have attained "Vit-Raga." || 77 ||
52/4. "Agavittassa" does not have "Gahana," and "Ag-Ahiyas" does not have "Paribhoga."
This is the meaning of "Esana-Tiga," and it should not be understood in a sequential manner. || 78 ||
53. The name "Thavana" should be understood in terms of "Daviya" and "Bhavammi" in relation to "Gavesana."
In "Daviya," "Kuranga-Gaya," "Uggam-Uppa-Dana" should be understood in terms of "Bhavammi." || 79 ||
1. "Pindayatto (k, la, b)."
2. "Viyad (s)."
3. "Patto (la, b), Itto (a, b)."
4. "Paden (s)."
5. "Chauppayae A-Chitta (b, la), "Ppaya Apayachitta (k)."
6. "Sesa (b, la)."
7. "Jo (a, b, la)."
8. "Jujjai (a, b)."
9. "U (k)."
10. "Gase (mu)."
11. "I (la, b), Yam (a, b, s)."
12. "S" in the verse is not the first half of the verse.
13. "Puvi U (la, b, s, mu)."
14. "Bhavammi (a, b)."
15. This verse is not present in "La" and "B" versions.