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## Pindaniyukti
**27/2.** The wind in the hand is a non-conscious state, the seed is a non-conscious state.
**27/3.** In the third, it is conscious, the wind is again in the pores. || 41 ||
**28.** From the wind in the pores, the Muni gets nourishment.
**28/2.** In the wind, it is also conscious, one should avoid the non-conscious state. || 42 ||
**29.** "The three types of Vanasika" are conscious, non-conscious, and the conscious state is of two types, the state of certainty and the state of conduct. || 43 ||
**30.** All Vanasika are conscious in the state of certainty. The rest are in the state of conduct, the state of wind, dust, etc. || 44 ||
**31.** "Flowers, leaves", 19, "ripe fruits", 12, and green things.
**31/2.** In the wind, 13, in the mixture, 14, it is not the living being that is born. || 45 ||
**32.** The support, the foot, the stick, the hair, the "cotton", 16, the fruit, etc.
**32/2.** Medicines, herbs, etc., this is the nourishment in many ways. || 46 ||
**33.** The seed, the second, the fourth, the five senses, and the three types of fire, 8, where they meet.
**33/2.** In the six places, in the six places, that body is the cause of the action. || 47 ||
1. Acitto (A, B, Oni 361), Acchittu (Mu). Added with the number.
2. Bitiyae (B, La), Biyao (K, S).
3. Y (A, K, B).
4. Vatthi (K).
5. 27/1, 2 - These two verses are related to the 28th verse in the published commentary.
6. V (Mu), Ani 362.
7. Sacchitta (S).
8. Tiviho Vanasaikaao (B), Vanassai (A).
9. Hario (K, B, La).
10. Pamailu (A), Pavvairuṭṭai (La), "Yarotṭai (S, Mu, Oni 363), Loṭṭaḥ Gharṭṭādichūrṇaḥ (Mavṛ).
11. Paṭṭāṇam Puphaṇam (A, B, Bṛbhā 980).
12. Saraḍ (K), Śalāduphalānām-Komalaphalaṇām (M).
13. Vaṇṭammi (K).
14. Milāyammi (B), Milāimmi (A).
15. This verse is not in the S manuscript.
16. Kappās (B), Kappāi (Oni).
17. Tarusu (La, B, Oni 364).
18. "Io (La, B), Tapp (K), "Bhijna (Oni 365).