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## 140
## Piṇḍaniyukti
The commentator and the Chūrṇikāra have explained this in detail. According to the Chūrṇikāra, Agastya Singh, accepting alms daily without invitation and with a natural attitude is not a Nityāgra.
Āchārya Bhikṣu has described this in detail in the Āchāra's Chaupai. (Bhikṣu Granth Ratnākar: Āchāra's Chaupai) Āchārya Mahāprajña has discussed this word in detail in the commentary on the Daśavaikālika Sūtra. In the Niśītha Chūrṇi, the disciple has raised a question: If a householder prepares food for himself daily, then if he invites someone respectfully, is there any fault? In response, the commentator says that there is a need to give an invitation, therefore, there may be faults like sthāpanā, ādhākarma, prābhṛtika, adhyavapūraka, krīta and prāmitya, etc. Therefore, one should not accept natural food without an invitation. The one who accepts Nityāgrapiṇḍa receives the Prāyaścitta of Laghumāsa (Pūrimārddha).
## Puraḥkarma and Paścātkarma
Washing hands or vessels, etc., before giving alms is Puraḥkarma. This fault is usually associated with householders. If a Sadhu knows that the giver will clean his hands, etc., with water after giving alms with unclean hands or vessels, then that food is unacceptable for the Sadhu. The one who accepts food from hands, vessels, Dī and Bhājana with Puraḥkarma is a recipient of Prāyaścitta.
If naturally moist hands dry, then alms can be accepted from that giver, but alms cannot be accepted even after the hands dry after Puraḥkarma. In Puraḥkarma, starting the use of water is a serious offense, using water is a moderate offense, and accepting alms with oily hands is a minor offense. Accepting alms with a serious offense results in four Laghumāsa (Āyambila), with a moderate offense results in Laghumāsa (Pūrimārddha), and with a minor offense results in Paṇaga (Nirvigaya) Prāyaścitta. The Br̥hatkalpabhāṣya (1831-63) explains Puraḥkarma in detail.
## Kimicchaka
Food given after asking what someone wants is Kimicchaka. The Daśavaikālika Sūtra considers it under Anāchāra. Some Āchāryas have also considered it as a special characteristic of Rājapinḍa there. The commentary written by Āchārya Mahāprajña in this context is worth reading.
1. Dra Nibhā 999-1021 Chū Pṛ. 103-107. 2. Daśachūp. 60; ṇ tujan ahasamāvattie a dine dine bhikṣāgahaṇam. 3. See Daśa Pṛ. 45-47. 4. Nibhā 1003-1006, Pṛ. 103, 104. 5. Vyabhā 857.
6. Br̥bhā 1820, Nibhā 4063;
Haththam vā mattam vā, puṭviṁ sītodaeṇa jaṁ dhove.
Samaṇatṭhāe dāyā, purakammaṁ taṁ vijāṇāhi || 7. Br̥bhā 1829, Tī Pṛ. 537. 8. Daśahāṭī P. 117 kimicchatītyevaṁ yo dīyate sa kimicchakaḥ. 9. Daśa Pṛ. 52, 53.