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## Pinḍaniyukti: An Observation
Taking alms from a woman who is menstruating, or whose hands are stained with the six substances of the body, attracts different penances. However, generally, the penance for these is **Cāralghu (Āyambil)**. There are some differences in the penances for the **Dāyaka Doṣa** mentioned in the commentary of the **Bṛhatkalpa**. There, taking alms from a leper or a eunuch attracts **Cāraguru (Upavās)**, while taking food from the hands of a woman who is menstruating, cutting, or grinding, attracts **Māsalghu (Pūrimārḍha)**. Taking alms from the hands of other prohibited givers attracts **Cāralghu (Āyambil)**.
**Umiśra Doṣa** - The **Jītakalpabhāṣya** does not mention the penance for **Umiśra Doṣa**. According to the **Bṛhatkalpabhāṣya**, taking **Umiśra** food with conscious intention from an infinite source attracts **Cāraguru (Upavās)**, taking mixed infinite **Umiśra** attracts **Māsaguru (Ekāsana)**, taking **Umiśra** with conscious intention from each body plant attracts **Cāralghu (Āyambil)**, and taking mixed **Umiśra** from each plant attracts **Māsalghu (Pūrimārḍha)**. Taking **Umiśra** food from the seeds of each plant and infinite body plants attracts **Paṇanga (Nirvigaya)** penance.
**Apariṇata Doṣa** - Taking **Apariṇata** with intention attracts **Māsalghu (Pūrimārḍha)** penance. The **Bṛhatkalpabhāṣya** also describes the penance for **Apariṇata** in terms of substance. Taking earth, etc., as **Apariṇata** (with conscious intention) attracts **Cāralghu (Āyambil)**, and taking infinite body **Apariṇata** attracts **Cāraguru (Upavās)** penance.
**Lipta Doṣa** - Taking alms from a vessel or hand that is stained attracts **Cāralghu (Āyambil)**, and taking alms from a vessel that is partially stained attracts **Lghumās (Pūrimārḍha)** penance.
According to the commentator, the first three stages of **Chardita Doṣa** attract **Cāralghu (Āyambil)**, and the final stage, if it is **Aneṣaṇīya**, attracts **Cāraguru (Upavās)**.
**Chardita Doṣa** - Taking alms that are affected by **Chardita Doṣa** attracts **Cāralghu (Āyambil)** penance. The commentator of the **Bṛhatkalpabhāṣya** has further clarified this by stating that taking alms that are affected by the first three stages of the fourth stage of **Chardita Doṣa** attracts **Cāralghu (Āyambil)** penance. The final stage is **Anācīrṇa**.
**1. Jībhā 1579-1581.**
**7. Jībhā 1599.**
**2. Bṛbhā 539, T P. 157.**
**8. Bṛbhāṭī P. 157.**
**3. Bṛbhāṭī P. 157.**
**9. Jībhā 1601.**
**4. Bṛbhā 539, T P. 157.**
**10. Bṛbhāṭī P. 157; Charditē-Ādyeṣu Triṣu Bhaṅgeṣu Pratiyaka 5. Jībhā 1593.**
**Caturlaghukam, Caramabhaṅge'nācīrṇam.**
**6. Bṛbhā 539, T P. 157.**