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## Pinḍaniyukti: An Observation
**133** The **Shankita Doṣa-Jītakalpabhāṣya** does not indicate the **prāyaścitta** (penance) for **Shankita Doṣa** (doubtful fault). In **Prakṣita Doṣa** (observed fault) and **Mrakṣita Doṣa** (touched fault), taking alms with a hand touched by **Pṛthvīkāya** (earth element) results in **Paṇaga** (Nirvigaya), taking alms with a hand mixed with **Kardama** (mud) results in **Laghumāsa** (Pūrimārḍha), and taking alms with a hand touched by dry **Pṛthvīkāya** results in **Cāralagha** (Āyambila) **prāyaścitta**.
Taking alms with a **Sasnigdha** (oily) and **Sarajaska** (moist) hand and vessel results in **Paṇaga** (Nirvigaya), and taking alms with a **Ārdra** (wet) hand and vessel results in **Māsalagha** (Pūrimārḍha) **prāyaścitta**.
In **Mrakṣita Doṣa**, if **Puraḥkarma** (prior action) and **Paścātkarma** (posterior action) faults occur, **Cāralagha** (Āyambila) **prāyaścitta** is incurred. Some **Ācāryas** also mention **Māsalagha** (Pūrimārḍha) **prāyaścitta** in this case.
In **Mekṣita Doṣa** (touched fault), taking alms with a hand touched by **Paritta Vanaspatikāya** (limited plant element) results in **Māsalagha** (Pūrimārḍha), taking alms with a hand touched by **Anantakaaya Vanaspatikāya** (infinite plant element) results in **Māsaguru** (Ekāsana) **prāyaścitta**. Taking alms with a hand touched by a mixture of all plants results in **Māsalagha** (Pūrimārḍha) **prāyaścitta**. Taking alms with a hand or vessel touched by **Garhita Mala** (excrement) etc., and taking alms with a hand or vessel touched by **Gorasa** (juice) and **Jīva** (living beings) results in **Cāralagha** (Āyambila) **prāyaścitta**.
In **Nikkṣipta Doṣa** (deposited fault), taking alms with **Anantara Nikkṣipta Doṣa** (immediately deposited fault) from **Saccitta Pṛthvīkāya** (conscious earth element) to **Trasakāya** (three elements) excluding **Anantakaaya Vanaspatikāya** (infinite plant element) results in **Cāralagha** (Āyambila), and taking alms with **Parampara Nikkṣipta Doṣa** (consecutively deposited fault) results in **Māsalagha** (Pūrimārḍha) **prāyaścitta**. In **Miśra Pṛthvīkāya** (mixed earth element), taking alms with **Anantara Nikkṣipta Doṣa** results in **Māsalagha** (Pūrimārḍha), and taking alms with **Parampara Nikkṣipta Doṣa** results in **Paṇaga** (Nirvigaya) **prāyaścitta**. Taking alms with **Anantara Nikkṣipta Doṣa** on **Anantakaaya Vanaspati** (infinite plant element) results in **Cāraguru** (Upvāsa), and taking alms with **Parampara Nikkṣipta Doṣa** on **Anantakaaya** results in **Māsaguru** (Ekāsana) **prāyaścitta**.
The **Bṛhatkalpabhāṣya** and its commentary provide a detailed description of the **prāyaścitta** for **Nikkṣipta Doṣa**. Taking food with **Anantara** and **Parampara Nikkṣipta Doṣa** on each **Miśra Vanaspati** (mixed plant) results in **Māsalagha** (Pūrimārḍha), taking food with **Anantara** and **Parampara Nikkṣipta Doṣa** on the seed of each plant results in **Paṇaga** (Nirvigaya), and taking food with **Anantara** and **Parampara Nikkṣipta Doṣa** on **Ananta Vanaspati** (infinite plant) results in **Māsalagha** (Pūrimārḍha).
1. Jībhā 1493.
2. Jībhā 1495.
3. Jībhā 1496.
4. Bṛbhā 537, Tī Pṛ. 156; Others have **Māsalagha** as **prāyaścitta**.
5. Jībhā 1497.
6. Jībhā 1498.
7. Bṛbhā 537, Tī Pṛ. 156: **Māsalagha** is **prāyaścitta** for all **Miśra Paritta**.
8. Jībhā 1505, 1509.
9. Jībhā 1544, 1545, Nicū Bhā. 4 Pṛ. 193.