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**Pindaniyukti** occurs. The amount of food also varies based on physical and mental labor. **Nikam Aahar** - consuming more food than the daily requirement is **Nikam Aahar**. According to Manusmriti, excessive food hinders health and longevity, obstructs attaining heaven and merit, and increases animosity in this world. **Pranit Aahar** - heavy or excessively oily food is called **Pranit Aahar**, such as Ghevar, Sneha Prakshit Mandak, etc. Excessive **Pranit Rasa**-rich food excites and destroys a person just like birds destroy a sweet fruit-bearing tree. **Atibahuk Aahar** - consuming much more food than one's hunger is **Atibahuk**. **Atibahush Aahar** - eating multiple times a day or more than three times is **Atibahush**. **S-Angar Dosha**
Consuming food praising water with **Raga**, **Aasakti**, **Grdhi**, and **Moorcheha** is **Angar Dosha**. Just as coal becomes **Angara** after burning without smoke from fire, similarly, the **Raga** fueled fire burns the character regularly like **Angara**, this is **Angar Dosha**. The author says that even **Prasook Aahar** consumed due to **Aasakti** burns the character.
**S-Dhoom Dosha**
Criticizing bland or unpleasant food and consuming it due to hatred, anger, or distress is **Dhoom Dosha**. Just as a painting contaminated with smoke does not look beautiful, similarly, a character tainted with **Dhoom Dosha** does not look beautiful. The burning fire of hatred keeps burning with the smoke of displeasure, making the character dull until it becomes like **Angara**.
**Karan Dosha**
Eating for taste is forbidden for a Muni. According to **Moolachar**, a Muni should eat not for strength, longevity, or increase in energy, but for the practice of knowledge, restraint, and meditation. Consuming food without the six reasons like hunger, etc., is **Karan Dosha**, and when the six reasons for abandoning food are present,
1. Manu 2/57. 2. Bribha 6009; Nehaagadham Kusanam, Tu Evam Ai Paniyam Tu. 3. U 32/10. 4. Bhag 7/22, Pini 314, Moola 477. 5. Jiba 1646. 6. Pini 314/1, 2.
7. Pini 314, Moola 477, Bhag 7/22. 8. Jiba 1650;
Jah Vavi Chitta Kamma, Dhoomena Orattam Na Sobhai U.
Tah Dhoom Dosarattam, Charanam Pi Na Sobhae Mailan. 9. Pini 314/3. 10. Moola 481.