________________ 226 TATTVARTHA SUTRA SIXTH STAGE: This stage is known as Sarva Virati meaning the stage of full restraint. By continuing the endeavor to shake off the bondage, the aspirant reaches the sixth stage. His vigor is now in high gear. He therefore overcomes Pratyakhyanavaraniya (coming in the way of totally restrained life) Kashay. He can thus exercise control over all types of Kashays (except of subtle type known as Sanjwalan type) as well as Nokashays (semi-defilements). He also has gained the capability to give up the worldly life and may even renounce it in order to remain free from the worldly involvement. But he does not have the capacity to maintain total vigilance. As such, he may become subject to the minor pitfalls. That is due to Pramad (indolence) in which he is likely to indulge. This stage is therefore also known as Pramatta Virati Gunsthan (Stage of restraint subject to indolence). The aspirants at this stage are considered competent to preach. SEVENTH STAGE: This stage is known as Apramatta meaning the stage of no indolence. While trying to control indolence, the aspirant arrives at this stage. The subtle anger of Sanjwalan category now comes under control, but other subtle Kashays may still continue to operate. Moreover, the aspirant is at times overcome with indolence and reverts to the 6th stage. As he becomes conscious of it, he tries to overcome the indolence and gets back to the 7th stage. This movement to and from the 7th stage is likely to continue long. If the aspirant does not happen to fall further below, he eventually achieves irreversible control over indolence and reaches the next stage. EIGHTH STAGE: This stage is known as second Apoorvakaran meaning the unprecedented stage. The path of liberation consists of right perception, right knowledge and right conduct. The right perception arises at the 4th stage and right knowledge is gained Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only www.jainelibrary.org