________________ 14 STAGES OF SPIRITUAL ELEVATION 225 ahead. Accordingly, if one makes the right progress, he reaches the state of first Apoorvakaran (unprecedented). It is termed that way, because the aspirant had never gained it earlier. That enables him to proceed towards Anivruttikaran (no turning back). That represents the firmness to reach the fourth stage. So long as one does not reach it, he continues to strive and does not rest until he gains it. When an aspirant reaches the fourth stage, he is free from the perception deluding Karma. Since he has gained the right perception, he knows what is right and what is wrong. He is convinced that the soul is the enduring Self, while the body and all incidental situations are ephemeral and have been obtained as the consequence of the operative Karma. He knows the true nature of soul and might have glimpsed it at times. He has the right understanding of Karma and its bondage, and is keen to shake it off. He has brought under control Anantanubandhi (inordinately lasting) types of Kashay (defiling instinct), but has not gained the vigor to control other types. As such, he cannot resort to a life of restraints, though he desires to adopt the same. He feels sad for the recurring birth and death, and aspires to proceed on the path of liberation. He might still get involved in the worldly activities, but he does not develop undue attachment for any of them. FIFTH STAGE: This stage is known as Deshvirati Samyag, (the stage of right perception accompanied by partial restraints). As the aspirant advances on the path of liberation, he starts loosening the bondage of character-related deluding Karma. He has now developed the vigor to overcome Apratyakhyanavaraniya (coming in the way of adopting restraints) Kashay and hence he adopts the laymen's restraints. His behavior thus remains partially restrained and he continues to strive for a fully restrained life. Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only www.jainelibrary.org