________________ 180 TATTVARTHA SUTRA for. It may also happen that such a person may use foul language. But a spiritual aspirant need not be affected thereby. He should carry on without the thing or approach someone else, who would offer it. xvi) Rog Parishah: Rog means disease. Everyone is prone to contact disease. In monastic life one has to depend upon the food supplied by others. As such, it may happen that one obtains some food, which is not conducive to health. Thereby he may get some disease, which can cause pain. In such eventualities he can take innocent medication. But in case, he is not cured thereby or does not get medication, he should patiently bear the pain without being perturbed. This is applicable to the laymen as well. xvii) Trnsparsha Parishah: Trnsparsha means contact of straw. In the monastic life, one has to use simple bed provided to him. He may also get a bed of straw or may be required to sleep on the straw itself. Some part of the straw can be pointed and may hurt. The spiritual aspirant should accept the same as part of his life and patiently bear the discomfort. xviii) Mal Parishah: Mal denotes dirtiness. In monastic life, one is not supposed to take bath. There are two reasons. In that life one has not to undertake any activity, which can make the body unclean. Secondly, one has to use the minimum amount of water so as to avoid unnecessary violence to aquatic and other subtle beings. While moving from place to place, however, one is prone to get dirty. Similarly, he may be required to carry on with more or less unclean clothes. He should not feel disgusted for the unclean body or clothes and should cheerfully lead the life of spiritual pursuit. Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only www.jainelibrary.org