________________ SAMVAR PREVENTION OF KARMA 179 feel tired of the assumed posture, his feet or other limbs may start aching or he may experience numbness. The spiritual aspirant should ignore that and continue the posture as long as required. xi) Shayya Parishah: Shayya means bed, but here it is used in the sense of rough or hard bed. A spiritual aspirant normally goes in for a hard bed. If one is used to soft bedding, it may be tough for him to sleep on a hard bed. Moreover, he may also have to sleep on the floor at times. He may feel inconvenienced while sleeping on such beds, but he should willingly bear it. xii) Akrosh Parishah: Akrosh means wrath, reproach, etc. A spiritual aspirant may come across people, who may behave wrongly and may even utter harsh words. But he should not be affected thereby and peacefully stay in his pursuit. xiii) Vadh Parishah: Vadh generally means killing. But here it is used in the sense of hurting, etc. It may happen that someone may be so mad at a spiritual aspirant that he may indulge in beating or otherwise hurting him. Even if that happens without any reason, the spiritual aspirant should remain calm and bear it peacefully. xiv) Yachana Parishah: Yachana denotes begging. One belonging to the monastic order has to go for alms for all his requirements inclusive of food and water. Begging may be easy for beggars, but it is hard for others. That may even be humiliating. To adopt begging as a part of monastic code, in spite of its humiliating aspect, is called Yachana Parishah. xv) Alabh Parishah: Alabh means disadvantage. As stated above it is not easy to beg and it may become particularly hurtful, if the person concerned refuses to offer what is begged Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only www.jainelibrary.org