________________ 150 TATTVARTHA SUTRA prosperous and literate family. If it is unwholesome, he may be born in a lowly, miserable and illiterate family. 8) Antaray: This Karma raises obstructions or obstacles in doing something. For instance, one may be eager to go to the temple or to listen to a lecture, but he might be prevented from going by sudden illness or other disorder. To take another example, food of one's liking may be ready on the dining table, but before he starts eating, there may be an urgent call of emergency and he may be required to rush out without taking the food. Jnanavaraniya, Darshanavaraniya, Mohaniya and Antaray types are considered as Ghatiya or Ghati (defiling), because they hinder the manifestation of soul's natural attributes. The remaining four types, viz. Vedaniya, Ayushya, Nam and Gotra are termed as Aghati (non-defiling), because they do not adversely affect the nature of soul. The soul has simply to bear their consequences. पञ्चनवद्वयष्टाविंशतिचतुर्द्विचत्वारिंशद्विपञ्चभेदा यथाक्रमम् // 8-6 // 8.6: Panchnavdvayashtavinshatichaturdwichatvarinshaddwipanchbheda Yathakramam (The eight main types are divided into five, nine, two, twenty-eight, four, forty-two, two and five categories respectively.) These eight main types are subdivided into 97 categories as under, viz. Jnanavaraniya into five categories, Darshanavaraniya into nine, Vedaniya into two, Mohaniya into twentyeight, Aushya into four, Nam into forty-two, Gotra into two and Antaray into five. Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only www.jainelibrary.org