trees noted above. The author depicts here the scene of boy our stepping and dancing on the hoods of gifs. The language flows quite in tune with the ideas of the author. Cf. T1To 10. 16. 24 etc. In 26 the figure of speech is 3YHT, and in 27 Famalfi.
28. कालिय had his vanity completely smashed by कृष्ण whose mercy he implored. But blessed forfose with protection from सुपर्ण गरुड on account of whose fear he had migrated to यमुना. Cf.
UT. 10. 16. 63 and also 10. 17. 1–10 etc. The figures of speech here are अर्थान्तरन्यास and पर्याय.
29. This incident refers to the context when he was praised by Julysts, cf. 77 10. 16. 33 ff., also 10. 17. 13. Are we to take second णाअ-नाक, heavenly, in the light of दिव्यनग्गन्धवाससम् in HTTÓ 10. 17. 13? The figure of speech is 397
30. Once a forest-fire was spreading in the forest on the banks of 61. Every one sought the shelter of ghout who consequently swallowed the flames. Cf. TT. 10. 17. 21-25: fasadei निरीक्ष्य जगदीश्वरः । तमनिमपिबत्तीव्रमनन्तोऽनन्तशक्तिधृक् ॥ २५ ॥. Another similar event is described in to 10. 19, and that chapter is called Arafat. The figure of speech in this verse is अर्थान्तरन्यास.
31. About going see Notes on i. 21 above. The destruction of प्रलम्ब is described in भाग० 10. 18. गोवाअंतं is an adjective of ga who had assumed the form of a ty. Note the sound effect in the last line.
32. Cf. TITO 10. 22, which is called TETETT:, especialıy verses 8-9 etc.
33. Once the hungry aties were sent by Hour to a sacrifice that: was being celebrated in a forest, but the priests turned
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